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Comment Re:Oh noes, not MATH?! (Score 1) 96

As a professional videogame programmer, I can assure you that it's fairly newsworthy when a game designer uses math to solve problems like these.

There's more math in the corniest Free2Play game than there is in Witcher 3.

As a professional videogame programmer, I'm guessing you've heard of Eve Online. I'm just guessing here, because I'm not a professional videogame programmer, but I'll just bet they used a little math in the same way. Over a decade ago.

Anyway, my point was that I would have thought Slashdot readers would be beyond getting all excited when someone is discovered to be "using math". In programming an economy-simulator.

Comment Kitchens (Score 1) 466

I think Robert Rhinehart is just trolling us. Who could possibly hate kitchens as much as he does? Check out his blog and tell me he's not either a troll or has some serious static in the attic. The section on kitchens is particularly illuminating.


With no fridge, no dishes, no microwave, no oven, no range, no dishwasher, no utensils, no pests, no cleaning products nor dirty rags, my life is considerably simpler, lighter and cleaner than before. I think it was a bit presumptuous for the architect to assume I wanted a kitchen with my apartment and make me pay for it. My home is a place of peace. I don’t want to live with red hot heating elements and razor sharp knives. That sounds like a torture chamber. However, it’s not a total loss. I was able to use the cabinets to store part of my book collection.

Wait a kitchen is a "torture chamber"? Slow your roll there, big boy.

I mean, if he wants to make his life "simpler, lighter and cleaner" he could just tear out his bathroom and use catheter. It'd be about as much fun as living on Soylent 2.0.

Comment Re:Troll (Score 1) 585

I think it was more like 20 million...

That may be. The official numbers estimate 10 million military and 14 million civilians. Either way, without Russia soaking up everything Hitler could muster against them, there might well not have been enough time to plan for a Normandy invasion before England was gone. The costs were horrific, and Americans who forget that it wasn't just G.I. Joe that defeated the Nazis dishonor themselves.

Comment Re:Ataturk was a punk (Score 1) 121

I mean nobody would dare say Black people shouldn't be pissed about Colonialism. Ooops this comment is likely to get censored due to "racism" but then again nobody will care, "OMG CENSORSHIP ON SLASHDOT. Racism ohh okay no problem then."

Geez, man. What are you so upset about? You better take care you don't have a stroke worrying about all that.

Comment Ataturk was a punk (Score 2) 121

I was only in Istanbul once, and only long enough to have dinner, fall asleep and run to the airport. But my Serbian monther-in-law has some very strong opinions about Turks. She's usually such a sweet little old lady, but don't get her started on the Turks. I mean, the Ottoman Empire was gone before she was born, but damn, she's still mad about something.

Comment Re:Incrementing (Score 1) 285

Well, next time write:
x = ++x;

I've pretty much trained myself to never use post-increment unless a statement is incorrect without it, and even then I'm unhappy if the statement has any other side effect at all (unless the entire idiom is lifted straight from K&R, and then I ponder why the code is rolling its own iterator loop.)

Post-increment can fail in interesting ways (yes, those darn sequence points). In addition, when using a template metaprogramming library, post-increment can trigger a large state copy that an unwary programmer doesn't expect. It can be horrifically less efficient.

On the other hand, the ternary operator (even a compound ternary operator) has FAR FEWER semantic ass-bites that plain old post-increment.

Post-increment: Visually familiar, but badly behaved.
Ternary: Visually unfamiliar (to some), but well behaved.

In the STL context, an important property of the ternary operator is that you don't have to declare the return type of the expression (whereas with an if/else assignment into an intermediate variable, you do). Maybe this is less important now with better "auto" support.

A prudent ?: will also keep you on the straight and narrow with respect to the ODR. You can avoid re-typing shared sub-expressions. Anyone ever debugged a program where consecutive lines of code intended to contain an identical subexpression, but actually didn't? No, I didn't think so.

Really, when someone complains about the ?: operator as some form of diabolical trickery, I flip the bozo bit. But you just can't get a programmer to embrace it for The Right Reasons who won't first master sequence points and the horror show of post-increment.

Grasshopper, this is your debugger.

Debugger, this is your new grasshopper. Enjoy your tasty meal.

Comment Re:Why only cyber weapons (Score 2) 220

Once they have located an attacker, having privately owned armed drones would be very handy. if the attacker is a nation state, even more aggressive measures could be used.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership gives them the right to use "even more aggressive measures". It's called "corporate sovereignty" and it will be our undoing. Basically, it says that a corporation can sue governments for damages for any law that might conceivably cost them money.

We already have a mercenary military. Imagine the armies the Fortune 500 will put into the field, and the mischief they could create.

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