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Journal Journal: Nobots News

If you're the owner of a copy of Nobots, you now own a rare book. Fewer than two dozen were printed. If you don't yet have a copy, the price is a little higher.

When I originally published I was brand-new to all of this. I guess I still am. Until now the only place it was for sale was Lulu; I hadn't properly registered its ISBN and the bar code on the cover was wrong (Lulu put it there).

Comment Re:Not the only reason..... (Score 1) 409

Let's have everybody double click on the "terminal" icon, and when you see the blinking cursor on the new window type "sudo yum search someprogram".

The only time I ever need a terminal is when I've forgotten the root password. Servers aren't desktop machines and server OSes aren't desktop OSes. No, I wouldn't expect Joe Sixpack to administer a RHel installation, but he would have no problem with any of the desktop distros.

I'm running kubuntu on my tower, great OS and desktop. I've installed it for friends who keep getting Windows infections as well (not IT folks by any means) and unlike when they were running Windows, they seldom need any technical help after I slap Linux on heir boxes. But no, not Red Hat, that is indeed above the average consumer.

Comment Re:Not the only reason..... (Score 3, Informative) 409

Although FOSS alternatives keep getting better, they are still (generally) not as easy to set up and use as commercial alternative.

I see it's been years since you used any FOSS. Installing Gimp or Open Office or Firefox or Audacity on a Windows machine is exactly like installing Photoshop or MS Office or EAC on the same machine; I have all that open source software installed on this Windows 7 machine. The installations for FOSS and proprietary are identical.

Easier to use? Yes, if you're used to Photoshop, GIMP is a pain in the ass but OTOH if you're used to GIMP Photoshop is just as big a pain. Plus, with FOSS you don't have that productivity-killing ribbon.

And installing FOSS on a Linux computer is even easier. Go to the software you want (from your distro's repository), click once and enter a sudo password, done. You don't even have to reboot.

How you got modded up is beyond me because you're 100% wrong. MS employees have lots of mod points today, I guess.

Comment Re: Apple? (Score 1) 409

I'm sure it's included in the price of the computer, much like MS's licenses for crapware are included in Dells and HPs.

The crapware pays for the OS, which is why Linux versions of the same computer often cost more -- they have to make up for the lost crapware revenue. I mean really, cleaning off the crapware is part of the price you pay for a Windows computer.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twelve

The damned alarm woke me up. Damn them whores... but it wasn't whores, it was a meteor shower. Fuck. I went to the pilot room.

The meteors were tiny but when you're going fast, well, when a meteor shower is coming you want to slow down.

Comment Re:Verboten (Score 1) 17

The point I'm after is that I see it as hypocritical (at best) that of all the different sexual acts that are incapable of creating children

I'm not going to argue with that, I agree completely. However, I do remember a news report several years ago about a woman in her late sixties having a kid. Biology takes strange turns sometimes.

there are just a short list of ones that certain people get their underwear all up in a bunch over and want to throw people in jail (or worse) for partaking in. Even more so, these are the same people that claim to want the government "out of the way" or to "leave them alone", yet here they are asking the government to invade in (very specific) other peoples' bedrooms.

Indeed, those people annoy the hell out of me. Total hypocrites.

Comment Re:Verboten (Score 1) 17

In fact, the only one of interest that you mentioned was intercourse with post-menopausal with.

That was a really weak argument on his part. How old was Sarah when Isaac was born? In her nineties, wasn't she?

Comment Re:Sex (Score 1) 17

however, that they aren't particularly interested in enforcing religious laws (some of which are actually rather ambiguous as to whom they actually apply to) so much as they are seeking someone to force their own particular brand or morality on.

You hit the nail on the head. What people seem to not understand is that judging people goes directly contrary to Christ's teachings, as is hating anyone for what they are or what they do - hatred itself is forbidden in Christianity.

Try telling some Christians that, though. But nobody's perfect.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Eleven 2


I woke up before her for once. I took a shit... hey, you wanted everything, right? Started the coffee because the robots really suck at making coffee, and got dressed. I was just taking my first sip when the doorbell rang. It was Tammy.

"Hi, uh Destiny invited me for coffee."

"Come in. She's still asleep, I'll get you a cup."


Comment Re:Religion... (Score 1) 529

Whether or not you were indoctrinated in religion when you were young and impressionable, if you haven't experienced God the only rational choice is that the question doesn't matter.

As to indoctrination, I think you're putting way too much weight on that. One fellow I drink with sometimes was brought up in a strict Baptist family in Kentucky, yet he is absolutely convinced that God can't possibly exist. Another guy I knew was brought up by atheists, and had a religious experience when he was strung out and homeless.

As to "why Jesus" it's because of what he taught (The Buddha was certainly full of wisdom, I learned a lot about Buddhists when stationed in Thailand). Basically, love everybody. Treat folks like you want to be treated. Don't judge.

I don't think Jesus and Buddha would have had much to argue about except that reincarnation thing, and maybe karma.

Comment Re:Religion... (Score -1) 529

You can't reason your way into religion, it has to touch you personally. Someone in 1700 Europe would not be able to reason his way into belief that such things as elephants existed. He's have had to visit Asia or Africa to believe.

God is only invisible to those who choose to ignore him.

Submission + - Your Audi Talks To Stop Lights Before You See Them 1

cartechboy writes: We've all been there: You're approaching a stop light and suddenly it goes from green to yellow, then quickly to the dreaded red. But what if your car could predict the timing of that stop light ahead? Audi has just introduced a traffic-light recognition system that can allow drivers to anticipate changing traffic lights. The Audi Online Traffic system reads from a city's central traffic computer, and transmits that information to the driver through the car's Driver Information Display. The system will also be able to tell drivers how long the lights they're sitting at will stay red, letting it prime an engine start-stop system. Audi says this could help drivers save time, and fuel too. That's likely true, but will it also gives drivers a sense of whether they can actually beat the light if they speed up?

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