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Comment Re:The Wealthy? (Score 1) 238

I see more than a few F-250s that don't have a spec of dirt on them, no equipment near them, wheels and shocks in a configuration completely unsuitable for doing any work. As a matter of fact, most of the trucks that I see that aren't directly used to carry landscaping or construction equipment have never been near any work or towing.

Comment Re:ONE movie? (Score 1) 366

And you're still conflating two things that are not the same: piracy (modern version) and theft. Merely putting an emphasis on your statement does not make it so. Piracy might now mean copyright infringement, but it is still not theft. You sound like a child if you can't differentiate between depriving someone of property and illicitly copying content.

Yes, there may be cases where leniency is considered (your example of a child doing it), but that doesn't change the fact that they did something against the law.

That's your final argument? It's bad because it's against the law? Somehow I suspect that this is only your position because you think it doesn't affect you.

Comment hmm (Score 1) 299

I also blame sysadmins who frequently don't understand that security is contextual; you do not need the same level of password complexity for a gardening forum or slashdot that you need for your bank account. But you still see ridiculous requirements for low-security sites.

Comment Re:Waiver of rights (Score 1) 249

Actually voiding a contract is a term of art in the law and refers to a court finding that a valid contract never existed. Just because the terms were never fulfilled doesn't mean the contract didn't exist; the contract isn't the completed transaction, it's essentially a binding promise on both parties to perform. Just because performance wasn't made doesn't mean the promise never existed.

Arguing that the contract is void is basically trying to say that the promise never existed, and is a defense by the breaching party to invalidate the contract (and thus not be responsible for fulfilling its terms), not the plaintiff in a breach of contract action.

Comment Re:Horse already left the barn (Score 1) 233

Interesting; I wonder if that includes Psy.D. and Ed.D. students of whom there are a large number and who frequently pay their own way I believe. I did almost went to a program where I wouldn't get funding though I could teach a few courses a semester to pay my way, but it was a relatively inexpensive program anyway (like 5k a semester full-time, and I would be coming in with enough credits that I wouldn't have to pay more after that) and I was under the impression it was incredibly rare.

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