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Comment My problem with (Score 1) 1

Is that they leave in the section making it illegal to get around circumvention technologies at all. It servers no justifiable purpose. If anything, the government should be protecting us from DRM. Not helping enforce it.

Why is writing circumvention technologies not free speech, while money is? I've wondered if we can get a friendly congressman to read in libdvdcss2 to the congressional record...

[1] Digital Millennium Copyright Act v. Public Use: Are Constitutional Safeguards Insufficient in an Era of Industry Lobbying

Submission + - Obama Directs FCC to Mandate All Cell Phones Be Unlocked ( 1

globaljustin writes: "Several months after calling for legislation to unlock cellphones, the White House filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday asking that all wireless carriers be required to unlock all mobile devices so that users can easily switch between carriers."

This move should be met with universal acclaim from cell phone users, right?

Comment Re:Dislike competition? (Score 4, Interesting) 197

> You want Windows Phone 8 to die so consumers have less choice?

I do want more choice in the phone space, but I don't trust or want it to be from Microsoft - or for that matter propriatary. Why do you want Microsoft to have more control of our digital lives? They have more than enough. Competition works best with a bunch of small players in a market.

So yes, I really just want an actually "open" system to actually be given a chance to shine*. (I'm currently holding on to my Palm Pre Plus which still rocks, but is slowly dieing). I'm currently thinking about getting a Firefox OS device [2], but the specs are SOOO bad compared to my Palm. If I could get it without a dataplan w/ AT&T, I would have already purchased it.

I think the new gen of open source phones that are coming have a better shot (in that the company will actually try*!). Firefox OS, Ubuntu Mobile, Jolla, Tizen.

* Nokia gave open systems 1 release after saying it was a dead platform and then switched to Windows phone. HP gave up on their TouchPads after 2 months of sales.

Comment Re:This is also the case on Firefox (Score 5, Informative) 482

So set a Master Password:
More here:

Almost no users actually use this:
"....can be solved somewhat with master password, but only 1 out of 12K users had master password enabled"

Comment Mixed Content blocker is awesome for security, but (Score 4, Informative) 365

..many sites still need to be updated to work with it. Likely some behind the firewall stuff as well. (And many of these sites break in IE10 and Chrome as well)

See here for full details:

Basically it prevents loading active content (JS/CSS/etc) from a non-HTTPS source when the page is HTTPS.

Also, if you are a HTTPS Everywhere user and wondering why sites like XKCD and NYtimes are no longer HTTPS, this is why.

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