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Comment Why make science and engineering toys girly? (Score 4, Insightful) 490

Why make science and engineering toys girly? Because of the parents who wouldn't buy a non-gendered toy. Girls enjoy fishing newts out of a pond, making towers and knocking them down. etc. as much as boys, but many parents discourage this. Enjoying these things at 3 to 4 years is a good foundation for enjoying construction and understanding stability, or examining echo systems when they are older.

Comment Re: Nothing that money can't buy (Score 1) 65

Which 'Hawaiians'? This group most certainly does not represent the majority of Hawaiians, nobody has elected them. They don't even represent the majority of natives, since they are not organized in a simple hierarchical way (unlike continental Native American tribes). I predict that the case will be dismissed for the lack of standing, eventually. So yeah, these 'prote$ter$' can go and fuck themselves with a genetically modified papaya.

I don't think that lack of hierarchical organisations should prevent native people from having a say in the way their land is used. Obviously consensus is important, but if they can agree through polling, meetings or some other means then that should be enough.

Comment Authors of manuals may become rich .. or maybe not (Score 1) 172

Authors of manuals may become rich

Although reading reference material in digital format is not that simple (at least for me), that's exactly the kind of book where each page may be read several times.

That really depends on whether the author gets paid every time a purchaser reads a page or just the first time. Typically reference manuals will have a few sections that are relevant to the user, and a lot that are not. If they only get paid the first time a page is read then reference manual authors may not do well.

Comment Re:Depends on your perspective and tastes (Score 1) 410

Religiophobia is a fear of religions, not of possible adherents of a particular one. Xenophobia is the correct word in this case.

its hard to tell with you whether it's ignorance or wilful misrepresentation - but xenophobia means "Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries". Hatred of things like Nazism, Islam, and other ideologies based on supremacy and violence or suppression of others is neither irrational nor based on country of origin.

Comment Re:Depends on your perspective and tastes (Score 1) 410

Someone I once worked with put it best regarding living in London, there are two groups of people, there are those who have lived there for a short time, i.e. only a year or two who think it's the best thing ever because they've not yet exhausted all the attractions, and then there are the people who lived there all their lives, and know that once the attractions are done, and you've eaten at all the cool places to eat, it's an incredibly shit city to live in.

I moved from London to somewhere where I can walk to unspoiled moor land from my house and live in a 4-bedroom house at the same cost as a studio apartment in London and have no desire to move back. When I have to travel there for work (maybe a week each year) a single trip on the underground reminds me why I moved out.

That said there are some people who live in London and love it. I know people who can't imagine living somewhere where the nearest cinema is a half-hour's drive away and the nearest decent theater over an hour away though.


Ask Slashdot: What's the Harm In a Default Setting For Div By Zero? 1067

New submitter CodeInspired writes: After 20 years of programming, I've decided I'm tired of checking for div by zero. Would there be any serious harm in allowing a system wide setting that said div by zero simply equals zero? Maybe it exists already, not sure. But I run into it all the time in every language I've worked with. Does anyone want their div by zero errors to result in anything other than zero?

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