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Comment Re:Typical muslims (Score 3, Interesting) 389

Unfortunately there are indeed Muslim countries in which the majority of people support killing apostates, yes. (Afghanistan, for instance.)

That doesn't make Chrisq's bullshit any less unreasonable, though. Muslims in Western countries tend not to be like that.

You have to bear in mind that following Muhammad's example, as they have done throughout the world, they will apear friendly and attempt to undermine societies until they have sufficient forces for a violent uprising. Lets hope that when it happens it will go the way of Spain, not Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, and many more.

Look at statistics like the fact that more European Muslims have joined Islamic state than their country's armed forces (it may be true in the US also, I don't know) and you get an idea of what these "peaceful" muslims in the west think.

Comment Re:Typical muslims (Score -1, Troll) 389

You could consider this particular religion a race because it's virtually impossible to abandon. Unless you want your head cut off. So in this case, the label racism could apply. .

I was thinking also that as Islam spreads it first attracts the psychopaths, sadists and pedophiles, as we see now in the west. as it gets stronger and ups its threats in a country it adds cowards. So I see claims that Islam is a race as an admission that it is a race of inbred psychopaths, sadists and cowards with the odd pedo mixed in.

Comment Re:Not a win (Score 0) 228

So are you saying that because some non-Muslims react violently against people they disagree with then that means that Muslims don't do it?

No, I've said no such thing.

You gave a link to violent Christians with the comment "yup" meaning that you somehow thought it supported the original assertion that " being a Muslim has nothing to do with screaming, crying, and arresting as soon as they express a view we don't like".

Comment Re:Old saying (Score 4, Funny) 249

yeah and GPS absolutely doesn't rely on clocks...

GPS doesn't have much to do with a saying from the 1800's.

If you thought you were raising a valid point, YOU FAIL IT.

If you thought you were being funny, YOU FAIL IT.


You would think so until you hear the full saying:

When going to sea, take one clock or three, but never two
Or a GPS receiver will do

Comment Re:Birthrate (Score 1) 430

I thought Russia's birthrate problem was mostly due to men drinking themselves to death. Their women don't want to be around guys who are drinking themselves to death, so they prefer to become mail-order brides.

Yes they are looking at a choice between giving up the vodka or blaming the gays .... is anyone surprised at the result?

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