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Comment Re:An odd idea. (Score 1) 156

From what I understand the primary way they can prosecute under the CFAA is a device is being used other then the manner in which it is intended.

If that device was a general purpose computer, then any task it is capable of performing can in no sensible way be classed as a use in a manner for which said general purpose computer was not intended.

Comment Re:OK, Whatever... (Score 1) 156

Let me put it another way. If you tell a homeowner that their front door lock is unusually vulnerable to being picked, first of all they should sock you in the face for trying to pick their lock (before they call the police), and second you should not go publishing that information if they choose to not fix it.

Who says you actually tried to pick their lock. There is a decent chance that your house has the same make and model of lock that theirs does, and when you accidentally locked yourself out, you discovered how easy that particular lock was to pick. Wouldn't warning them about the risk be the right thing to do?

Comment Re:Good... (Score 2) 84

Good, the hand held gaming console is dead...

If that is the case, then why praytell have used Game Boy systems (from the Pocket to the Advance SP) been consistent sellers for me on Amazon the past few months, with prices ranging anywhere from $24.95 for a clear Game Boy Pocket to $64.95 for an Onyx Black Game Boy Advance SP?

In fact, the only handheld I have left in my Amazon store is a black DS Lite.

Comment Re:A drop in the bucket. (Score 1) 420

That's easy to fix : put water meters at every house and make people pay per-gallon. You'll see people fixing their plumbing the day right after they receive the first bill


Apartments and (some) condos likely pay water as part of their rent/HOA, but pretty much everyone else in this country pays a water bill.

And then there are those of us who do not fall into either of those groups, and have a well instead.

Comment Re:All Your Constitutional Rights are Belong to US (Score 1) 178

It's time for an Article 5 Constitutional Convention:

Wouldn't it be easier to blow-up the Senate and Congress? "Hi my name is Martha Washington. "

The ones who could do that won't come anywhere near Earth until country-western music is eradicated here. That causes them to experience spontaneous cerebral detonation. (Ack-ackackack!)

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