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Comment Re:Tourism (Score 1) 112

No, it won't, and I say that as someone with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, not a SciFi dreamer.

Oh, so you must know what the future holds, then!

Also, I notice that you are a coward, and don't really believe what you're saying, since you left it unattributed.

It will ALWAYS be much more dangerous than passenger flights. And if you thing the death rate will be below 3-5%, you're DREAMING. NASA, with vastly larger budgets and more advanced quality control, killed around 2%.


They might know what all the problems are, but if they don't fix them, that knowledge is worthless. Both the problems with the shuttle that killed people were known problems. It's probably best to leave NASA out of this discussion, because they murder people.

Comment Re:what's the point? (Score 1) 136

For longer distances, vehicles designed from the ground up for motor assist seem a better choice than this,


and the additional design freedom from designing bike and assist together likely results in a better and cheaper bike.


You simply make bald assertions and then do not support them. How did you get up-modded for this? I must know your secret.

Comment Re:First hand report (Score 1) 126

Had there been a fire when there were too many people in the building then the fire marshal and the state would have been liable.

Right, so therefore...

Your solution may have taken hours to get to the legal levels.

So did his. And yet it was abusive.

Applying rules inflexibly leads to abuse. That's not doing one's job, which in the case of a public figure is to serve the needs of the public.

Comment Re:Where do you live? (Score 1) 613

Well, you haven't met me, but for some reason I wake up stupid early every day. This morning it was 2am. Yesterday it was 3. It doesn't really seem to correlate to when I go to bed, so I have to go to bed early. I went to bed at 8 last night. If I'd gone to bed at 11 I'd probably still have woken up at 2.

I guess I should take up baking. I'll have to move out of this little bumfuck town, however, which can barely keep one local bakery open four days a week.

Comment Re:Does it fix the performance issues? (Score 2, Interesting) 125

OpenBSD's malloc implementation is noticeably slower than anyone else's. It is, however, more likely to make certain categories of memory management error crash the program (rather than leaving it in a state where an attacker might be able to exploit the bug). Unfortunately, most modern exploit techniques don't rely on the invariants that OpenBSD's malloc() breaks, so you end up paying the performance cost without getting much by way of security gain (unless your attacker is a script kiddie who is using 5-year-old scripts).

Comment Re:I'm not sure what bothers me more, (Score 2) 613

Although I'm always surprised at how many people know the exact time of the train they catch to work, personally I have no idea, I go to the station a train turns up within 10min and I get on it.

Amazing. You must live in NYC. Because in SF, you go to the station on a bus which is late, a train turns up eventually, and you get to work late.

Comment Re:I'm not sure what bothers me more, (Score 1) 613

That inclines me to believe that people really don't support it, but because it's not completely horrible the movement to abolish it hasn't managed to gain that much traction.

it is completely horrible, but it's not very horrible. it only kills a few dozen people each year. that's not very high on the modern horrible scale. something has to kill a whole bunch of people before we give a half a shit.

Comment Re:FTP (Score 2) 125

They haven't 'embraced LLVM/Clang', they still ship GCC 4.2.1 or GCC 3.3.6 (depending on the architecture) and compile the base system with it. They ship LLVM/Clang as packages (ports).

Comment I could care less about illegals (Score 1) 250

it's the legal H1-Bs taking for jobs I used to have a shot at that I'm worried about. I don't plan on taking Pablo's place at the meatpacking plant, but I sorta had my eye on of of those cakewalk DB admin jobs that now go exclusively to H1-Bs.

Average household income in the US is $69,821. Google it. You pay $70k/yr in income tax? You're doing pretty well for yourself. Also your accountant sucks. That said, why the hell don't you stop asking why you pay so much in taxes and start asking why you're not getting anything for it? I got news for you, it's not Pablo's $20/mo free internet. Maybe it's all those swank tax shelters you aren't rich enough to qualify for?

Comment I am for it (Score 1) 613

I am in Queensland, Australia and having daylight saving would be a good thing. Firstly it would mean Sydney and Melbourne wouldn't be an hour ahead. And secondly it would mean more daylight in the evening (meaning less use of all forms of artificial lighting) and less daylight in the morning (so you dont get woken up by the 4am sunrise and then have to get back to sleep again like I was this morning)

It also means more time after work for people to swim in pools and beaches and engage in other outdoor activities.
And it means people aren't traveling in the dark so much when comming back from work or from those activities.

Yes it might cause issues with it being hotter at different times of the day than it is now but that's why Willis Carrier invented air conditioning :)

Comment Re: Kinetic Kill Vehicle (Score 1) 139

A dark satellite made from an ultrablack material or using a stealthy topology simply isn't going to be seen. By anyone.

Ion engines are slow, but they don't give off any tell-tale glare.

The southern hemisphere has very little in the way of monitoring - a satellite traversing any great circle other than equatorial will be difficult-to-impossible to track.

This is not a likely threat, on a scale from one to ten, the seriousness is sqrt(-1). Nonetheless, it's not zero.

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