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Comment Re:Yes to Brexit (Score 1) 396

Have you any idea how bad these treaties are? Nearly two million people so far have petitioned -against TTIP - a treaty that they tried to write in secret and they tried to exclude important stakeholders.

TTIP contains ACTA - a copyright treaty which was strongly rejected by the people of the EU. If the Commission were democratically chosen which they are most certainly not then they would not be pulling this crap.

The Commission is not in any way democratic any more than civil servants are democratically chosen, it is akin to calling a quango democratic.

Comment from my journal a couple of days back (Score 1) 421

It seems to me that the AI systems we create are all very application specific, like the IBM Watson - how many hours of work did it take just to get Watson to be able to play a simple game, it's not a generic AI system, it wasn't an AI that could enter any quiz.

Watson was good at Jeopardy not because it had a good AI, but because it's creators were highly intelligent and were able to code a computer to be good at Jeopardy because *they* not the computer were intelligent.

Is there a computer that exists that can do a normal IQ test like for example IQ Test

From what I've seen when AI's have been tested, the tests have been created, altered or cherry-picked so that the AI can complete the test, which of course is of dubious value. And of course IQ tests have a tendency to be very math and geometry based.

And journalists come up with headlines like "Artificial Intelligence System 'ConceptNet 4' Has IQ of 4-Year-Old", but it's not like human intelligence..

ConceptNet 4 had very uneven scores across the board, which would typically concern those who administer the test. The AI system did well on vocabulary tests and the ability to recognize similarities, but lacked when it came to "why" -- or commonsense -- questions.

How does all this apply to real world situations? Well, the google car has been rear ended 7+ times, roughly ten times the norm, this raises questions as to why? Did the car fail to anticipate being rear-ended? Or did the car brake suddenly because it was not intelligent enough to determine that there was no risk of harm ahead? Did this come down to the cars inability to recognise an object in front of it, or did this come down to the car not being able to decide that it would be better to go over the object rather than being rear-ended.

Comment Re:Yes to Brexit (Score 1) 396

ACTA, TTIP, CETA and TISA These are the reasons why we should leave the EU, the Commission keeps throwing extremely bad treaties at us because they can because they are unelected.

We should not have an unelected body writing our laws.

And the EU appears to be trying to build up an army at the same time as needlessly antagonising Russia. Read 1984. Again.

Comment Re:Yes to Brexit (Score 1) 396

but I challenge you to point to some EU directives that have actually worked against UK citizens

ACTA was thankfully rejected with huge opposition by EU citizens but now they are throwing the same crap at us within TTIP, CETA and TISA.

We don't need EU to be able to trade, we don't need the EU in order to keep the Human Rights treaty.

Comment Pathetic level of debate. (Score 1) 396

When it comes to debate, all of the reasons given for UK staying in the EU are typical sound bites, vagaries and bad analogies.

Some reasons against staying in the EU are:

The Commission is undemocratic, unaccountable and unelected.

The Commission keeps writing bad treaties that are severely to the detriment of EU citizens and only to the benefit of global corporations, treaties like ACTA, TTIP, CETA and TISA.

The EU wants it's own army and is clearly working towards getting one.

At the same time the EU and US leaders have been antagonising Russia.

It's like the Commission, EU president et al have read 1984 and are using it as a handbook on how to run the EU.

Comment Re:"WSJ stunt to maximize anti-Clinton engagement" (Score 1) 231

You have a first past the post system which means like us in the UK you're kind of screwed, you can vote for Clinton or you can vote GOP which from past experience means someone who is likely a climate denier and a war-monger. Or you can vote 3rd party but then your vote doesn't count and if you're in a state that always stays with the same party then again, your vote doesn't count.

User Journal

Journal Journal: How Intelligent are current AI's really?

It seems to me that the AI systems we create are all very application specific, like the IBM Watson - how many hours of work did it take just to get Watson to be able to play a simple game, it's not a generic AI system, it wasn't an AI that could enter any quiz.

Watson was good at Jeopardy not because it had a good AI, but because it's creators were highly intelligent and were able to code a computer to be good at Jeopardy because *they* not the computer were intelligent.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256

there's a big new market springing up here for people to sell grid stabilization services, which involves buffering energy somehow.

So, the systems working, the grid is one of the most stable in Europe. Lets face it, you're just bitter because renewables are doing so well.

fact of the matter is that the German Energiewende is on its last legs.


Subsidies are being cut,

Of course they are, that's happening everywhere because the price of solar has plummeted.
The way solar prices are falling they'll soon have a hard time stopping people from putting panels on their roofs regardless of subsidies.

projects are being scaled back

And Germany recently announced a new off-shore wind farm.

My propaganda! You seem to be the one who is against sources of energy that will lead to lower energy prices, less fuel imports, less deaths due to pollution. Renewables are also the solution to ocean acidification and global warming. So why are you so against them?

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256

For the millionth time, 100% renewables if perfectly possible, for working links see:


I'm not going to retype this:

Some renewables are intermittent? Not a problem: Solutions to a 100% renewable and sustainable energy supply worldwide include but are not limited to hydro-electric and pumped hydro, geothermal, solar pv, wave-power, tidal lagoons and other tidal, onshore and off-shore wind in conjunction with better home insulation, heat pumps - ground source and air source, storage heaters, solar water heating, battery storage and charging electric cars whilst renewables output is high. Vehicles, ships and trains can be powered by electricity and hydrogen fuel cells, aircraft could run on liquid hydrogen.

$500 Billion A Year In Fossil Fuel Imports Could Be Saved In US, EU, & China In 100% Switch To Renewables | CleanTechnica

China Government Study Sees 86% Renewables by 2050

New Study: 95% Renewable Power-Mix Cheaper Than Nuclear And Gas | CleanTechnica

The world can be powered by alternative energy in 20-40 years, Stanford researcher says

                German grid more stable in 2013 Ã" German Energy Transition

Ã- Powering the World With Wind, Water, and Sunlight: Mark Jacobson at TEDxPaloAltoHighSchool - YouTube

The storage necessity myth: how to choreograph high-renewables electricity systems - YouTube

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256


I'm not going to retype this:

Some renewables are intermittent? Not a problem: Solutions to a 100% renewable and sustainable energy supply worldwide include but are not limited to hydro-electric and pumped hydro, geothermal, solar pv, wave-power, tidal lagoons and other tidal, onshore and off-shore wind in conjunction with better home insulation, heat pumps - ground source and air source, storage heaters, solar water heating, battery storage and charging electric cars whilst renewables output is high. Vehicles, ships and trains can be powered by electricity and hydrogen fuel cells, aircraft could run on liquid hydrogen.

$500 Billion A Year In Fossil Fuel Imports Could Be Saved In US, EU, & China In 100% Switch To Renewables | CleanTechnica

China Government Study Sees 86% Renewables by 2050

New Study: 95% Renewable Power-Mix Cheaper Than Nuclear And Gas | CleanTechnica

The world can be powered by alternative energy in 20-40 years, Stanford researcher says

        German grid more stable in 2013 â" German Energy Transition

â- Powering the World With Wind, Water, and Sunlight: Mark Jacobson at TEDxPaloAltoHighSchool - YouTube

The storage necessity myth: how to choreograph high-renewables electricity systems - YouTube

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