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Comment Re:Freedom isn't free. (Score 1) 247

Thanks, I really think I'm going to be able to convince her about the benefits of open sourced, free software. She needs a good calendar program as they paid for some calendar software and can only have 3 computers use it. What would be the best one that is very user friendly, and can be installed on all the present computers and will be only for their agency so that others cannot access it from outside the agency?

Comment Re:Freedom isn't free. (Score 1) 247

That's what I thought, but all of them had installed the plugin, and it just didn't work. I tried to get a buddy's Office 2000 to open .docx using the plugin, and I couldn't get it to work. I even went into safe mode to try to get it to install, but it just plain didn't work. Most people just don't know about technology, and yet we thrust it upon them, and demand that they know what they're doing. Most of them barely know how to use a mouse for crying out loud!

Comment Re:Freedom isn't free. (Score 1) 247

When I was in university, the teachers had absolutely no idea what they were doing, and so they would use the latest Microsoft format, which was the .docx, and you should have seen all of the students freak out because hardly any of them could open the files up or if they could it wasn't properly formatted. I had to show all of my teachers how to set it so that they would only send it in 2000/XP .doc format. What was surprising, was that nearly all of my classmates used MS Office, and yet they couldn't access Microsoft's OWN formats! One teacher even suggested downloading Open Office so that the files could be opened. Now, if that doesn't show how closed sourced a supposedly open format is, then I don't know what is! If the hospital demands that all formats within the agency to be odt, then little by little this will start a trend amongst the end users because they'll see how easy it'll be to use this open format and won't have to go through all the bs that Microsoft puts them through. This isn't going to happen overnight, but it will happen. I'm going to be volunteering at a non-profit organization, and they have a really old database program, and the executive director is thinking of using LO Base, so I'm going to push for it because if they can't afford the Microsoft tax they'll be able to move over to Linux with absolutely no interoperably issues:-)

Comment Re:Freedom isn't free. (Score 1, Insightful) 247

I totally agree with you about the fact that there aren't any real "advanced users" out there! I would say that 99% of the people out there that are using office software wouldn't know if they were using M$ or LO. In fact, if you were to "only" have a shop that runs LO, and had the staff trained on it, then they'd think the MS Office would stupid and counter intuitive and really hard to work. Most of the people that I've worked with don't have a clue about technology, so the fact that 25,000 staff across 13 hospitals in Denmark will be switching to LibreOffice over the course of the next year indicates that someone has their head on straight over there in Denmark...finally!

Submission + - Low Tech Solution for Oil Spill Clean Up (

1mck writes: This is probably one of the most low tech solutions to handle the Gulf oil spill, and it is suggested and proven by two American Farmers no less!
This is doable right now, and actually makes sense. The video speaks for itself!

Submission + - Server Farm Doubles As A Goat Farm (

miller60 writes: Yahoo has extended its data center sustainability strategy to weed control. The company is using a herd of 250 goats to control invasive weeds on land surrounding its data center in Quincy, Washington. The grazing goats are seen a better solution than spraying the weeds with pesticides or using noisy mowers that run on gasoline and pollute the air, factors that have prompted both Google and Yahoo to deploy goats at their Silicon Valley headquarters campuses.

Submission + - Aircraft flight can make it rain and snow?! (

coondoggie writes: If the temperature and atmospheric conditions are right, aircraft climbing or descending can indeed make it snow or rain. That's the conclusion of a paper out today that states: "Ice particle production by commercial turboprop aircraft climbing through clouds much warmer than the regions where contrails are produced has the potential to modify significantly the cloud properties and effectively seed them under some conditions." Through this seeding process, the aircraft leave behind odd-shaped holes or channels in the clouds, according to the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

Submission + - 8 of the Best Free Linux Usenet Tools ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Usenet is a worldwide distributed Internet discussion system. It was founded in 1980 to enable users to read and post public messages to various newsgroups. As such, it predates forums, blogs, instant messaging and P2P networks.

The importance of Usenet as an environment for discussion has diminished over recent years given the increasing popularity of internet forums and blogs. However, the newsgroup community remains very active and vocal. It continues to be a great resource of information, and to obtain support from like-minded individuals. Moreover, Usenet is a popular means of downloading files including Linux distributions.

To provide an insight into the quality of software that is available, we have compiled a list of 8 high quality Usenet tools. Hopefully, there will be something of interest here for anyone who wants to join in with Usenet.

Submission + - Israeli Start-up Claims MLC SSD Breakthrough ( 1

Lucas123 writes: Anobit Technologies today announced it has come to market with its first solid state drive that uses a proprietary processor that boosts consumer-class multi-level cell NAND reliability to that of expensive, data center-class single-level cell NAND by adding an additional layer of error correction to hardware-based ECC already on most non-volatile memory products. The company claims its processor, which is already being used by other SSD manufacturers, can sustain up to 4TB worth of writes per day for five years or more than 50,000 program/erase cycles.

Submission + - 178 Arrested in US/EU Credit Card Cloning Ops (

eldavojohn writes: Authorities have moved in on 178 people accused of working in credit card cloning labs across the USA and Europe but with the bulk of the work apparently operating out of Spain. Original source states that "Police in fourteen countries participated a two-year investigation, initiated in Spain where police have discovered 120,000 stolen credit card numbers and 5,000 cloned cards, arrested 76 people and dismantled six cloning labs. The raids were made primarily in Romania, France, Italy, Germany, Ireland and the United States, with arrests also made in Australia, Sweden, Greece, Finland and Hungary. The detainees are also suspected of armed robbery, blackmail, sexual exploitation and money-laundering, the police said." Krebs notes a new credit card debuting at Turkish banks that appears to have a built in LCD that has a random six digit number associated with each transaction much like RSA SecurID keys used for computer logins.

Submission + - Hackers infect site with MS zero-day vulnerability ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: Hackers are infecting websites using a Microsoft zero-day vulnerability that was controversially made public by a Google engineer only five days after he had informed Microsoft about the problem.

Tavis Ormandy, a Google security researcher, was criticised last week for not giving Microsoft enough time to fix the vulnerability which he discovered in Windows XP's Help and Support Center, after he published exploit code to the Full Disclosure mailing list. And now malicious hackers have infected a legitimate website with malware that exploits the vulnerability, according to Sophos.

Security blogger Graham Cluley asks Ormandy: "Do you feel proud of your behaviour? Do you think that you have helped raise security on the internet? Or did you put your vanity ahead of others' safety?"


Submission + - Modern Day Equivalent of Byte/Compute! Magazine?

MochaMan writes: I grew up in the 80s on a steady diet of Byte and Compute! magazines, banging in page after page of code line-by-line, and figuring out how sound, graphics and input devices worked along the way. Since then, the personal computer market has obviously moved away from hobbyists intent on coding and understanding their machines down to the hardware, but I imagine there must still be a market for similar do-it-yourself articles. Perhaps the collective minds of Slashdot can divine some online sources of fun & educational mini-projects like "write your own assembler" or "roll your own bootloader".

Submission + - FBI Monitoring Facebook ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: The BBC reports that armed police were called to a UK school earlier today after being advised of a potential threat by the FBI. The school stated that the FBI "raised the alarm after internet scanning software picked up a suspicious combination of words", strongly implying that they are carrying out routine, automated surveillance of social networking sites. While in this case it does appear that there may have been a genuine threat, the story nonetheless raises significant privacy concerns.

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