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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 10 declined, 1 accepted (11 total, 9.09% accepted)


Submission + - Free Taco Day

yincrash writes: "Today is free taco day. Taco Bell decided to be nasty and make it a time when everyone is at work.

I know I've scheduled my break for a free taco though, have you?

Go to taco bell between 2-5 today for a free 50ct taco! Yum."

Submission + - Sony Kills Lik-Sang

yincrash writes: Lik-Sang has put up the Out of Business sign. They are wrapping up all loose ends and no longer taking any new orders, due to the lawsuits Sony has been throwing down in Europe. In London specifically, the High Court declared Lik-Sang's sale of PSP illegal. Where am I going to get my imports now??

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