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Comment Re:End copyright and all kinds of IP protection to (Score 1) 386

Ha! Man, I like you. You hit the nail on the head. I swear, I try not to indulge these dudes when they spout off like this, but sometimes I just can't resist. Every time you put the shoe on the other foot and ask them if the same thing applies to books, or movies, or coding, or whatever, they've got 100 well-rehearsed reasons why music is somehow different so that they can feel better about themselves for jacking stuff off of The Pirate Bay.

Comment Re:End copyright and all kinds of IP protection to (Score 1) 386

i stopped reading there, you're not worth my time

No ya didn't. You read that 5 times or more....fuming....seething. How dare I not acquiesce? And then you copped out because you have no argument that is based in reality. This is all conjured up garbage in your head.

yes, moron: advertising and charging for something are completely different business models

Listen, you obstinate prick, please stop embarrassing yourself. The only thing different about that is who the specific customer is. Different markets, sure, different "business model", no. At the end of the day, it's selling music.

Sorry, Charlie. You've been served. Thanks for playing.

Comment Re:End copyright and all kinds of IP protection to (Score 1) 386

I understand how advertising works. Which is a wonderful way to make money off of music. Which I also mentioned in my comment above that you responded too. And is nothing at all like charging for music. Are you OK?

Man, do you ever get dizzy from spinning around to all these different positions? You must. So it's a "wonderful way to make money off of music", but it's "nothing at all like charging for your music"? You're simply not making any sense. I think what you might be saying is that charging an advertiser, or a film maker, or a television production company for using music is different that charging Joe Sixpack for downloading a song. If that is what you're saying, then yes, I agree that it's different. However, that difference does not negate the validity of some form of copyright protection for the artist. This is the mechanism that artists have to collect the wonderful money that you're graciously giving us your permission to make.

Well we can go back further if you like. How about 1885? 1585? 1485 BC? There was no recorded music. Did music exist? The advent of recorded music as a commodity began and ended in the last century. It is the aberration, not the magic rule This Is How God Intended. For every century before, you got a patron, and/ or you charged for performance. Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms would frequently wake up crying at the injustice of their inability to charge for recordings and how it was impeding their ability to make music. Right?

Yes, of course music existed. No, recorded music is not an aberration, it is a progression. Is television an aberration as opposed to live theater? Your silly example of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms simply doesn't hold water. During those times, there were many alternative ways for those artists to make money from their music. Pieces could be commissioned (as they often were). Society in general was much more in the habit of going and paying to see orchestras perform work by these composers for many reasons...not the least of which was because there was NO OTHER WAY TO HEAR IT. Unless of course you think that said composers were doing a "one man band" thing and travelling all over Europe performing with a tin cup in front of them for a living. No. Your argument is a red herring, and you know you're comparing apples and oranges.

Is it that you believe the last century is the only way music can be made? That if music be produced by some other economic model that's just me being a selfish jerk? Or is it possible you have no historical perspective and no imagination and your mind is closed and uneducated?

Of course not. I'm interested in what this "other economic model" is you're referencing here. Because prior to this, you certainly seem to have been suggesting that music should simply be "free". This seems quite different from there being some other way to monetize music. I have plenty of historical perspective, much of it from my own personal experience in the industry, and certainly do not lack any imagination. It's rather ironic that you assert such a thing, when it seems clear that you're unable to step outside your own view and understand all of the moving parts to this evolving situation.

Well, either that, or you're an unhappy, argumentative person who likes to think of himself as an intellectual and feels entitled to prattle on about subjects upon which he has absolutely no experience.

When the printing press was introduced some monks decried it as an affront to their means of support. Horseshoe blacksmiths were not happy with the arrival of the railroad and automobile. Typewrite manufacturers insisted the computer industry was abhorrent and could not be allowed to hurt God's Only And True word processing tool.

Le sigh. Yet another condescending red herring. The monks job was to physically copy the work that an author (i.e. artist) had created. And as far as I'm aware, authors are also protected by copyright. Unless of course all works of literature should also be "free", right? Those selfish pricks like Steinbeck, Salinger, and Hemingway. How DARE they charge for their books? Shit man, it's just words. Anybody can make sentences.

Everything changes my friend. Adapt, or die.

To quote Vincent Vega, you ain't my friend, Palooka. And while I adore this dialog with someone who clearly believes he is looking down his nose at me while "schooling" me on how things are changing, I realize that this is truly an exercise in futility. You're very clearly incorrect, but for some reason, you have your fingers in your ears and you're shrieking "la la la la" like a child having a tantrum because he can't get his way. We, the artists, are indeed adapting. We're doing so in spite of unsupportive, short sighted people like yourself who have the gall to parade around as if your charge is to "stick it to the man", never once considering the other implications.

Comment Re:And this kids, is why you should pirate all mus (Score 1) 386

Yes and somehow you still got Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel, Bizet... want me to continue the list?

You mean the list of anachronistic references that have absolutely nothing to do with this conversation? No, I'm all set thanks. Yes, all famous, successful, accomplished composer and musicians. However, you're equating it to now, which is very different. Aristocrats no longer pay composers to commission pieces of music to play at the ball in honor of their daughter turning 16. Entire villages no longer turn out regularly to see and support their local musicians/artists/theaters because there's nothing else to do.......nowadays people watch tv, go to movies, or post on slashdot. You're making a comparison between two completely different times. Those guys were successful without current copyright law because a) they were goddamn musical genuises and b) because society was simpler back then, and there were many different ways for those artists to make money.

Music worked fine without copying for centuries, many forms of art still do now-a-days, or do you think that sculptors, painters and the such get to copy their works ad infinitum for a living?

Yes, music did work fine without copyright for centuries......BECAUSE THERE WASN'T A GODDAMN WAY TO COPY IT. And yes, you silly person, artists DO indeed get paid for copies of their works. Unless of course you think that all those pictures that you're buying at Garden Ridge and World Market to hang in your home are all originals that were hand painted just for you.

Now where you and I do agree (believe it or not, we do share a little common ground) is that no, these privileges should not be "ad infinitum". However, your argument seems to be that ANY copyright protection is worthless and should be abandoned. I also agree that the current copyright system has been exploited in many ways to benefit large, predatory corporations, and of course agree that many artists have been screwed by this process. I should know. I've experienced it personally. However, to suggest that there be NO mechanism for artists to monetize their music just doesn't make any sense.

Comment Re:End copyright and all kinds of IP protection to (Score 1) 386

Ah. Ok. Now I see.

I had originally thought that you might have understood how the music industry works. But several of your statements illustrate clearly that you most certainly do not, never did, and clearly never will (I guess I should've paid attention.....your sig pretty much illustrates that you're one of "those" guys).

You clearly do not understand LOTS of artists can make quite a bit of money by having their music used in advertising, tv shows, movies, and yes, even YouTube (apparently you haven't heard of services like this and you just assume that it's all "free"......guess you also think that all that great music in movies you're paying to see is just done for posterity too, huh? ).

Your assertion that people can only make money and reach a wide audience is by giving it away for free is not just anecdotal horse shit, it's not even close to the facts.

And I just love when guys like you get all snarky with your "1985 business model" comments as if you have any goddamn clue what you're talking about. So you're a miser who feels like he doesn't need to pay for music ever. Great. Bully for you. You'll excuse the rest of us as we move on without you.

Comment Re:And this kids, is why you should pirate all mus (Score 2) 386

I see. So since there's a chance that a musician might be unfairly sued which would cost them tons of money, you're suggesting that people just rip the artists off by taking their work.


Thanks a goddamn lot. Big help, dude.

How come guys like you can never think past the idea of music that's played by a 4 or 5 piece band in some club somewhere? What about orchestral compositions that would require hiring a 40 piece orchestra to perform live in concert? What about texture/underscore music used in movies or TV shows? What about people who aren't in a position where they can go "on tour" (maybe health related, geographic limitation, etc)? What about people who write songs for other artists?

This isn't as cut and dried as you're making it out to be.

Comment Re:End copyright and all kinds of IP protection to (Score 0) 386

So lemme get this straight. It's ok for a musician to charge people for t-shirts, concerts, private appearances, and even product endorsement, but it's abhorrent for the artist to ask people to pay a nominal fee for a copy of the music he/she has worked on?

Yeah, um, that's utterly absurd.

No one is suggesting this idea where you "pay someone every time you walk across your floor" (seriously, what kind of example was that, dude?), and yes, everyone knows that the traditional model for the pop music industry is broken. With those things said, that does not mean that having ANY protection for the artists is unreasonable. You said yourself that you recognize that the little guy gets screwed. Yes, you're right. We often do. And it sucks.

You know what also sucks? Comments like yours that make it sound as if we, the artists, are trying to fuck everyone out of money or cash in via lawsuits. We're not. I do sometimes choose to give my stuff away for free, particularly to help fellow artists. But, I also sometimes charge for people to use my stuff. I have no qualms about having the choice to monetize my music, and don't give a particular fuck if guys like you can't understand why it isn't all free.

Comment Re:Instilling values more important (Score 4, Insightful) 698

I believe you may be confusing the word "compassion" with "deference" or otherwise equating it with passivity. It has been my experience that engaged compassion is far more useful that the exaggerated facade of confidence that many people present so as to seem "strong".

From a different perspective, compassion offers the mind something to chew on in confrontational and challenging situations that isn't offered by simply meeting a challenge with resistance or avoiding a confrontation. Compassion allows the person to understand the ROOT of the issue(s), and therefore can make a better informed decision about how (or if) to respond to the situation.

So, to build on your suggestion, let's assume that his daughter does indeed continue in the "geeky arts and sciences" and let's assume that she does face all of the challenges and opposition she's going to get from her mostly male classmates/peers. She could adopt the "cast iron bitch" attitude or just power her way through, ignoring it as best she can, and she'll probably make it through just fine. On the other hand, if she looks at these situations with compassion, she gets to fully understand it. She can realize why each of those peers treats her that way, and come to understand that it's likely born out of jealousy, or fear, or lack of understanding, or any other number of things that could explain why these people are treating her poorly. The significance of this, of course, is now that she fully understands how and why these things are happening, she can a) fully drop any personal apprehension she might have about things she might be doing to create it and b) be better informed and able to look for these behavior patterns in the future. With each encounter, she can further refine her understanding of her environment and her dealings with her fellow humans, and she can therefore refine how she responds to each.

Compassion does not mean "turning the other cheek", and incidentally, your "religious" quote about the "meek inheriting the earth" is christian, not universally religious......a lot of us think that's a bunch of crap (me included).

Comment Re:How is maintenance performed? (Score 1) 148

Do staff go down with O2 tanks for maintenance, cleaning, server work, etc?

Agreed. And don't forget to include the Facility Infrastructure (UPS, Transfer Switches, Switchgear, etc). To that point, I wonder how their generators function with no oxygen. Kinda hard to ignite diesel with no oxygen, just sayin'.

Comment Re:Yahoo and HP (Score 1) 332

Hi McGruber.

Nope. Not even close. The airlines don't even remotely have the expertise. Of course they have their own IT department and CTO, what big company doesn't. When you get into the nitty gritty of the infrastructure that's in place in these places, you quickly realize that these places aren't going anywhere, and no, an airline trying to save money isn't going to lay out billions (yes, with a B) to try to buy a company and then operate it not only to their own agenda, but for the thousands of other clients of said company.I mean, you could make the same argument about any of the enterprise clients of companies like these.

I know it seems like I'm being obtuse and maybe even arrogant about this. I understand that. I thought the same thing when I started working in this business about 15 years ago. I couldn't believe that these types of companies existed, and couldn't believe the inefficiency. It seemed inevitable that someone, somewhere would buy the company and operate it for their own agenda. The only thing that happens is that these ITO behemoths sometimes buy each other, or merge. Although, when that happens, it's just the same thing with a different name on the paycheck.

Trust me, once you get inside on of these companies, and understand the infrastructure that's in place to operate these facilities, you quickly realize it's not as simple as it seems on paper.

Comment Re:Yahoo and HP (Score 3, Interesting) 332

Yep, I have to say I agree.

I was with EDS prior to, and then through the HP takeover. I lasted a couple of years once HP had the wheel, and my experience was pretty much the same as yours. Lots of inefficiency, layer upon layer upon layer of "management" and "leaders", none of whom knew anything about the others. It was a poorly run, rudderless organization and at first, I was amazed that it was even functioning.

But, as you astutely point out, so much of the enterprise business simply can't be moved for legal reasons, or the cost to move the stuff is so immense, it would take many years of active, focused effort (and billions and billions of dollars) to move it. In my Data Center, we had a lot of the major airlines as clients as well as some of the financial and regulatory clients, so I know exactly what you mean.

By the way, for what it's worth, when I left HP, I went to work for another ITO provider. Another major, Fortune 100 corporation that you would definitely know (I just would prefer not to name them here). I can tell you that it's actually the same here, if not worse. No one knows which way is up, I can't believe the ship hasn't sunk, but there is so much money on the line and so many clients hanging on for dear life that we're golden. I do hope that companies like mine and like the HP's and IBM's of the world figure out that the current course of action isn't maintainable. You can't keep running your ITO organizations so poorly and expect to be able to stay competitive. True, today there are only a handful of enterprise grade ITO companies that can truly provide the service for gigantic corporations, and it does take a surprising amount of money to operate a company like this. But, it's only a matter or time before someone with some money decides to put together a REAL ITO company that is actually run well, and when that happens, goodnight HP, IBM, and others. I don't think it'll happen soon, because the market is still so dependent on legacy providers, but it's inevitable, I believe.

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