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Comment Re:This law will not stand... (Score 1) 545

Religious people generally do not follow what their scripture says, they are almost always following a human leader who interprets and/or writes scripture. Also, the state has no right to interpret someone's religious tenets, therefore whatever they say they are interpreting it as holds in court, even if they change it during court proceedings.

The state has the right to forbid things regardless of religious freedom if it is in the public's interest to do so. Eg. you can't forbid someone to wear a specific dress unless that dress has razorblades attached to it.

Comment Re:This law will not stand... (Score 1) 545

"Lacking vaccinations does not generally present an immediate danger to the child". Yes it does. It does to the kid and to the public in general. Having too many people that aren't vaccinated (eg. a community of religious people) presents a clear and present danger to everyone.

Not being vaccinated should be an exception only for the very rare occurrence where someone has highly allergic reactions to them.

"Do parents have a right to ritually mutilate their children?" No. The only reason people in the US still do have that 'right' is because it is socially acceptable. Every single medical institution finds the practice to be unnecessary and although it generally doesn't mess too much with people's general life (as is the case with female genital mutilation), male genital mutilation does desensitize the organ and may lead to avoidable complications (it is anesthetized surgery on a newborn after all).

Comment Re:This law will not stand... (Score 1) 545

Well, if those people would kindly not sneeze where I or my children walk, that would all be fine and dandy. Your freedom ends where mine begins.

So we either force the religious nutters to take the vaccines or we lock them up/put them in reservations. If the kids wouldn't be affected by their parents being locked up or being relocated to a reservation, that would be fine with me.

Comment Re:Mostly good (Score 1) 545

A lot. There's not a whole lot of chemicals involved with vaccines (actually none that you wouldn't find in a regular body besides the dead viruses). Your food is likewise safe to eat because the chemicals we put on food don't have an effect on humans (they do on fish and other biomes like insects which is why we should limit use). Just because something has 'chemicals' doesn't mean it's 'bad'.

Comment Re:finally, some responsibility (Score 1) 545

People who got vaccinated didn't get ill. It's >99.9% effective. The problem is so damn much parents were no longer vaccinating their children and counting on the 'herd immunity' that there was no longer any herd immunity and dozens of kids got sick the minute someone coming from a 3rd world country sneezed on them.

The side effects are minimal (1/100,000-1/1,000,000), the real effects of non-immunizations can be found in records from ~30y ago or looking at any 3rd world country. Measles killed millions a few decades ago, now it's only a few hundred thousand.

Comment Re:Common sense prevails! (Only Partially!) (Score 3, Insightful) 545

The problem is that quarantining does not heal (quarantining the polio kid won't save his legs) and there has to be an infected host that spreads the disease so it won't be just one, there will be dozens if not hundreds of kids that require quarantining by the time the first one shows up with symptoms (read up on the lifecycle of these preventable diseases)

Vaccination is a good idea until we have the technology to auto-vaccinate or to eradicate the disease worldwide.

Comment Re:Common sense prevails! (Only Partially!) (Score 1) 545

Huh? The vaccine companies remain responsible for what they create. If they release a batch of vaccines laced with cyanide, they will be legally culpable. Also, every ingredient in these vaccines is publicly available and frequently monitored, if you have wheat allergies or whatever else may set up a reaction, your doctor should know about it and set up an alternative or skip it.

Comment Re:Linux would be better (Score 1) 435

That is mainly because any moron can drive a car and thus it is far more likely to be killed due to the driver than due to the machine. And the government doesn't review code that flies planes (Boeing would have a major fit over that), they mainly make sure that certain maintenance has been done and safety measures taken, similar to having your car inspected.

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