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Comment Re:git blame (Score 4, Insightful) 309

Blame the users mostly for not giving a fuck about encryption.

That is stupid. It's like saying blame the drivers for not giving a fuck about fuel injection. Users should not have to care about encryption. They should care about having secure and private communication, and how to make that happen is our job, it's why we are being paid more than burger flippers.

Comment Re:Let me explain.... :-) (Score 1) 309

- Crypto doesn't play well with webmail

But you've heard of Hushmail, yes?

We have the technology. If we want, we can make strong crypto work. Problem is that most of the big players with the money to make it happen don't want, and the small guys either don't understand the technology and complexity (users) or are incapable of making it actually usable (techies).

Comment Re:Hello, search fragmentation (Score 1) 285

If we suddenly are no longer able to google one particular kind of content, someone will offer their own search engine, supported by specialized advertising, for it.

Welcome to the Internet, great to have you here. When you hang around for a bit, you will notice that there are search engines beside Google, especially for adult content.

the half-mystical "deep Web"

Has nothing to do with porn sites. There's very little about porn that's deep, or hidden, except maybe a few very, very extreme fetishes, but unless it's illegal in 120 countries, you are very likely to be no more than five minutes away from it as soon as you open a browser.

Comment Re:Not Censorship (Score 1) 285

People keep using that word but do not really seem to know what it means.

True, but the "it's just free market" screams also obscure and important point: It's not censorship when one store, newspaper or company does it. But what if everyone does it? If thanks to pressure from certain interest groups, your particular topic vanishes not from one store and newspaper, but from all of them?

When a story cannot be published even though both supply and demand exist, is that not censorship?

That is why it's right to question such changes when big companies do it. I'm not worried for porn, it'll always exist. But asking Google the simple question "why" is not wrong.

Comment Re:Not Censorship (Score 1) 285

because not everyone on the internet can discern between what they click on... (like kids

Little kids are not at all interested in porn. There've been very few studies on this, due to the obvious difficulties of getting the ethics board to approve, but from what I've read about it, their primary reaction is boredom. Like "what is this shit and how do I get back to what I wanted?".

Teens are interested in porn. And short of locking them all up in isolation cells, they will get it, because they're ready to dedicate even more time and effort to the task than the puritans do to "protect" them.

Comment Re:The Feds (Score 3, Informative) 285

to make the internet as tame as American TV

"Tame" for very specific definitions of that word. As many comedians here in Europe have said in one way or the other: American movies is where children are protected from seing the nipple they suckled on some years ago, but hacking people into pieces is perfectly fine.

Comment Re:Copyright issue? (Score 1) 285

Remember when Apple was forced to remove all porn apps from the App Store? I'm sure it wasn't because they wanted to, but there's a group of dedicated social conservatives who do nothing but complain about anything even remotely explicit.

This. The democracy we live in is highly vulnerable to dedicated groups or particulate interests. I've seen it up close when the Pirate Party here in Germany imploded (and went back from 4-7% of votes to 1-2% in one legislation period) because it had been infiltrated by too many people pushing their agendas in topics such as drugs, womens rights, public transport and such.

Small groups of people fanatically dedicated to one narrow interest can deliver a tremendeous amount of force, because they are focussed, unwavering and never stop to even consider compromises. They will always push over any moderate opponents.

Think back to the superbowl "wardrobe malfunction" - it probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere

All of Europe and probably most of the rest of the world was shaking its head over that one and wondering if someone had forgotten to tell you guys that it's the 20th century, not the 12th.

Comment Re:war (Score 1) 95

You don't have to wait for another major Firefox release

I agree in principle, but this is ludicrous. Firefox releases seem to be twice a week now, and we'll probably all live to see the version number overflow.

Yeah, there should be several competing plugins. But maybe FF can ask you which one you want after install, assuming that anyone with three working brain cells wants an adblocker.

Comment Re: Umm... Lulz.... (Score 1) 253

discussions with communists

Americans. Everyone who disagrees with them or who thinks that letting people starve on the streets might be unbecoming of a civilized nation must be a communist.

You're not very different from ISIS. For them everyone who disagrees with them is a to-be-slaughtered satan worshipper. Different words and details, same approach. Bush Jr. summed the american mindset up very good: If you're not with us, you are against us. In the small box that is your world, there is only space for two opinions, and nothing inbetween or to the sides.

I would pity you, but ignorance is a choice and not an accident, and I never pity people for self-inflicted misery.

Comment Re:Boring (Score 1) 286

The main problem we have is the default assumption.

From my perspective, anything that everyone involved is happy with is fine. Hetero- or homosexual, two, three or however many partners - it may not be for me, but who am I to judge the happiness of other people?

Society as a whole, however, has a concept in its mind, and even with a stronger tolerance for variety, it still very strongly sets this concept as the default assumption, and everything that deviates from the norm needs to justify itself.

All of this is true outside of sex and relationships, btw. -- there are also default concepts of a man and a woman, of a couple and a household. How you should be, what you should do. There are acceptable and "strange" hobbies, interests, professions, lifestyles, homes.

Comment Re:Boring (Score 1) 286

Well, we also delegate our politics because we have societies with more than a few hundred or thousand people now.

Even on the local level, we don't have even nearly the amount of involvement that the ancient world had.

But yes, of course, the pure size is a big factor.

Comment Re: Umm... Lulz.... (Score 1) 253

The Greeks can build their socialist utopia if they like

Are you retarded or what? The plans of the new greece government are as far away from "socialist utopia" as a Ford Model T from a flying car.

All sustainable advancements towards more participation and social insurance in Europe have been made from a position of economic strength

Not really, no. But don't let facts spoil your ranting. Especially social changes often came about in times of crisis, because it is then that the ugly truth of the current system shows itself in full splendor.

If you can't even see how competitive economies are far preferable to economies which create all the "right" disincentives,

If you don't understand that all extremist positions are evil, you've not paid attention in history class. Competition is good, but hypercompetitive environments are disasters to physical and mental health, society, culture and every aspect of humanity other than profit, profit, profit. On the opposite end, social security is good, but nanny-states (the real ones, not the "omg, the government actually moved a finger" hyperbole of american right-wingers) cut into innovation, progress and motivation to do anything at all.

Comment war (Score 2) 95

It's clear advertisement companies have declared war on us, and think any and all means are permissable. No other mindset can explain these actions. If these people would not consider us enemies, they could not possibly look at themselves in a mirror.

So when will Firefox ship with ABE (or some other fork, don't use the original AdBlock, it has been sold to an advertisement company) and default to having it enabled?

I mean, aside from the hacking and privacy issues, every time I see the Internet on a browser without ad blocker, I can't believe people endure this crap.

Comment Re:Greek Myths (Score 1) 253

Overall it's budget deficit was around 13%

That is the point. 13% of WHAT - of the GDP. Which had just imploded, thanks to austerity measures.

I posted elsewhere a car analogy. This is like me borrowing you money, then when you get into trouble forcing you to sell your car to pay your debt. Ok, so far it's more or less fine (though stupid of me if you need your car to earn money to pay me back). But here's the trick: After you sold your car, I tell you that since your net worth has dropped (you no longer own a car), you now have a different credit rating, and because of that, you owe me more money, higher interest, whatever. Please sell your bike, too. Yes, that will reduce your net worth further.

Comment Re:Greek Myths (Score 1) 253

One year in over 60?

The last time Germany had a balanced budget was 1969.

Austerity was caused by 60 years of borrowing money that was never ever intended of being repaid. The cause of the implosion to the GDP is the 60 years of borrowing. There would be no need for austerity if there was not prior, out of control, borrowing.

So who are the idiots who gave money to someone who so obviously not only couldn't, but never intended to actually pay it back? And why are we bailing them out with taxpayer money?

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