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Comment Re:If I hear "eSport" one more time... (Score 1) 113

Putting Table Tennis, CounterStrike and Chess in the same bucket is pretty weak. (Chess and CounterStrike I can see since they're games (not sports), but Table Tennis at international levels is very physical indeed.)

One of my former coworkers has been competing in Table Tennis at the international level for decades and I can confirm that he's an athlete.

Comment Re:Home PCs are fast disappearing (Score 1) 141

I certainly agree with all that, but I also think that there's a spectrum there as well. Not all hobbiest photographers will need a real workstation, though many certainly will. Are they in that 1%?

Or perhaps my numbers are off and it's more like 75% 20% 5%?

In any case, the vast majority of people I know who are not software developers or visual artists could do all of their computing on a Suface, and certainly 80% of them don't do much more than web browse.

Comment Re:Home PCs are fast disappearing (Score 1) 141

Still number 1 and 2 need a filesystem. Yes the newer office tries to save to Ondrive by default but still. Even Joe Public does Turbotax and needs a real PDF saved and not gone tomorrow on his Android phone.

Agreed, and this is where Windows and Ubuntu mobile devices have an edge over Android and iOS.

PC gaming market is growing believe it or not according to a statistic by maximumpc.com. Basically the newer consoles are gimped with atom like cpus and a growing millennial generation. It is growing too as developers and video users do need real towers.

I agree, but the question is really how big is that part of the market?

Also it is nice to have storage options to hook into cameras,phones, and external disks.

And again, this is where Windows and Ubuntu mobile devices win and Android/iOS loses.

This is a fad like the netbooks.

And this is where I disagree, the tablet market is established as BOTH a replacement and an augmentation to the PC and I think it will grow as the power and capabilities of these devices grows. (Note that Microsoft is no longer losing money on the Surface.)

Not to say tablets will vanish, but rather they do not constitute a takeover. It is like the truck and SUV phase that started in the 1990s. Remember? Do we not have cars anymore? No we have both.

Which is what I said. I'm sure I'll have all three devices myself as a power user, but I doubt that will be true of everyone once truly mobile dockable desktops become a reality.

Once the laws of physics hit cell phones in the next 5 years. Yes I said 5 YEARS TOP. People will no longer buy phones and tablets as what they have works.

Again I disagree, I don't think we're even close to being done with Moore's law.

The surface is really just a thin PC.

And that right there is pretty much my point. :)

Comment Re:Home PCs are fast disappearing (Score 2) 141

I think there's three markets here: (and my numbers are complete bullshit)

1. Joe Public, needs a web browser and perhaps a word processor (90% of the old PC market)
Solution: a cellphone, perhaps with docking station and external monitor (TV)

2. Advanced office user and 50% of developers and gamers (9% of the old PC market)
Solution: Something like the Surface tablets, with docking station and external monitor

3) Real power users and gamers with more money than sense (1% of the old PC market)
Solution: Workstation calibre desktops

Comment Re:Aluminum cans? (Score 1) 120

Your memory serves you well, the aluminium cans did not take off until the late 70's early 80's when the technology needed to recycle them was invented.

Disclosure: one of the inventors on that patent is my father, his other research was in solar panels, ocean thermal engery (otec), the aluminum air battery , the use of adhesively bonded aluminum structures such as the Jaguar XJ and hybrid diesel electric vehicles.

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