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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 65 declined, 19 accepted (84 total, 22.62% accepted)

Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Protect Your Fruit With A Hail Cannon

ScentCone writes: In hopes of disrupting small droplets of water before they are able to form into an approaching storm's fruit-damaging hail, some farmers are spending $50K+ each on sonic cannons. Like most, this New Zealand company's gear uses acetylene gas charges. The technique has a long history, but there is continued debate about its effectiveness. Nissan, though, has got their own version to protect lots full of shiny new cars.
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - US Paper Currency Found Unfair To The Blind

ScentCone writes: US District Judge James Roberston has directed the US Treasury to start working on a way for the blind to differentiate between printed denominations. He said that the government is violating the Rehabilitaion Act in discriminating against those with a disability. He cites other countries' use of varying currency sizes as evidence that there are solutions, but does not prescribe a particular approach. Possibilities include raised ink and punched holes. Newer bills already support infrared features for use with readers, but such technology gets some complaints. The vending machine industry, which has participated in previous redesign discussions, may have a lot of work to do.

Submission + - omg nz 2 allw txt-spk on skul tsts lol

ScentCone writes: New Zealand's Qualification Authority (which sets testing standards for the public schools) is confident that those grading papers will understand the meaning of students' responses, even if they use phone/IM-style text-speak. FTA, "credit will be given if the answer 'clearly shows the required understanding,' even if it contains text-speak." Many teachers are not amused, and critics say that the move will devalue NZ's equivalent of a high school diploma.

Submission + - $11.3M Defamation Award In Message Board Case

ScentCone writes: A Florida woman made the (unopposed) case that she was defamed and suffered business damages because of what a Louisiana woman was posting about her online. She has no expectation of collecting the money, but says "People are using the Internet to destroy people they don't like, and you can't do that." Libel is libel, but a libeler now has more/easier reach than before, and things like the Google cache add a new dimension.

Submission + - North Korea Says It Has Conducted Nuclear Test

ScentCone writes: North Korea says that it has conducted its first nuclear weapons test and "brought happiness to its people."

Japan and China earlier issued an unusual joint statement saying that such a test would be "unacceptable."

As of 11:10PM EST, the USGS says that it has not detected any unusual seismic activity on the Korean peninsula in the last 48 hours. Is NK's declaring a successful test with no apparent seismic indicators suggesting that they have actually done so just a more over-the-top-than-usual bit of propoganda?

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
