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Comment Re:Why is this treated differently (Score 1) 161

That is a good point. It also is germane to telecommuting. The employer is in control of whether you commute or not, but the employee must pay for that commute. This leads to way more people commuting to jobs that have no need of a physical presence. Add on top of this the fact that the way our tax laws are set up, the only way to write off costs of telecommuting is if the telecommute is for the businesses benefit.

Way better would be if laws were written (most likely in the tax code) which gave businesses an incentive to encourage employees who could telecommute to do just that. If even 20% of our work force could telecommute, it would create HUGE savings in our roadway costs. It would reduce our national gas usage significantly. It would improve the quality of lives of our populace. It would reduce congestion in cities. It would even benefit those that still had to go in to work, as it would reduce traffic and thus reduce their commute time and cost. It would also reduce housing price pressures in and around areas that required the physical presence, since 20% of the population would no longer be competing for those homes.

Comment Re:The memo you are about to see (Score 1) 161

Getting charged by usage is becoming less and less common. Plus, the time spent itemizing what is a business expense is work time. I find it hard to believe that it wouldn't cost employers more money to pay each employee to itemize their usage than it would be to just pay the unmetered internet cost.

Comment Re:First things first... (Score 3, Interesting) 154

In the spirit of keeping it simple... A few years ago, I took a month long road trip with my family. We rented a mini-van and she would drive during the long streatches of nothing while I worked from the back. After the first day in, it became apparent that the laptop on my lap wasn't cutting it. So, we stopped at a K-mart and I bought a big wood cutting board. It worked awesome. It was flat so It packed pretty well. It was very sturdy. It had the groove around the edge designed for catching liquids that worked very well for keeping pens and whatnot from sliding off the edge. Plus, when we would get to a stop, I could lift it up and set it on the seat next to me without having to rearrange anything. That way when we were done looking at the sights, I could get back in the car and get started back to work without any setup.

All in all, it was the best lap board I have ever used. To this day, my son still uses it when he wants to use his laptop while sitting on the couch. Storage consists of putting in the small space between the end of the couch and the wall.

Comment Re:This strikes me as spectacularly unhealthy. (Score 2) 154

Different people need different environments to concentrate, and different families provide different environments to those people. I can say for myself, I concentrate better when there is human voice chatter around me. Voices that I don't have to respond too. Other people work better with quite music. Some with blaring death metal, and then there are those that need absolute quite. The absolute quite folks seem to be the ones that have the hardest time understanding that not everyone is like them.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 457

The difference with online bullying is that it is much harder to stop. Kids bullied at school know the bullies and at least in theory can get support from teachers and parents. People bullied in the workplace can make a formal complaint. Online they often don't even know who is bullying them, and the sites are often slow to react to reports or unable to take any effective action.

At least that is the way it is supposed to work in theory.
In practice, not so much.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 4, Insightful) 457


The fact that "online" is tacked on to the end is the give away that Phillips is talking out of her ass. Just like every other "on a computer" makes it new and unique claim, online trolling is just more of the same. We all know people who do it every day in real life. We have national personalities like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Howard Stern, and Jerry Springer. Heck, the entire Fox network is dedicated to trolling. People think that Fox is a right wing network. They only think that because they are being successfully trolled.

Comment Re:Get it right, pls. (Score 1) 299

Bingo. Given that Jezabel's female editors have posted stories about how they criminally commit domestic abuse, and invite their female audience to join in on the fun of laughing at each other's stories about the readers criminal domestic abuse, clearly the subject of abuse is not beneath them.

Comment Re:Jezebel? (Score 2) 299

Jezebel intentionally took the name of a religious figure who was know for fabricating false accusations against a man, leading to that mans execution. The name is also know for being a whore.

The name is specifically chosen to shock and invite scorn on women who choose to associate themselves with the site. That was the intent of the sites creators. Saying that Jezebel is awesome and has fantastic stories about the crap that women have to put up with is like saying that the site is awesome and has fantastic stories about the crap that men have to put up with.

The fact that Jezebel invites bad behavior doesn't excuse the bad behavior by the gif posters, but that just means you have two groups behaving badly. It isn't an either/or situation.

Comment Re:Why no 1 Tb version? (Score 1) 183

His point still stands. 240Gb is big enough for some people, but they have to be mindful of disk usage. That is wasted effort. For me, a 512Gb drive would still be a pain. 750Gb is where I would become really usable, comfortable, but 1Tb would be the point were I could function without having to really think about my disk usage.

It should be trivial for the manufacturers to make 1Tb drives.

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