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Comment stupid (Score 1) 784

I went to school alone since I was 7. OK, not alone per se, I went with one of my classmates (later lifelong friend), who lived close to us. And in a much worse city, in a much worse country. That doesn't mean bad things can't happen. But saying these parents are bad parents for doing this is crazy a** stupid. A lot of US people - even some I know - can be really weird when it comes to parenting issues...

Comment Re:Fuck Me (Score 2) 553

"Nothing is being forced on anybody. The situation is that systemd is popular and well liked by people making actual decisions, and hated by a bunch of loud pundits that don't have any responsibilities and are jealous of the decisions of others."

Not forced on anybody... except when your distro replaced sysvinit with systemd and while you can 'de-replace' it, they already tell you they won't support sysvinit in the future. At this point it becomes 'forced' and you can't really explain it away.

Comment Re:Fuck Me (Score 1) 553

"Consider the following carefully: if you had an audited version of systemd, and you were used to using it, and someone proposed that you scrap it for a collection of scripts, would you accept that solution?"

Wrong. There's nothing to consider, since the situation you describe doesn't exist, and you can't expect everyone to just accept it will anytime soon. What I see is that a lot of people get pissed of systemd being pushed into the distros they use because they consider that move [very] premature. I don't think that's hard to understand.

Comment unique tokens (Score 1) 130

For a long time now several banks (I'm talking EU here, I never saw this in the US, but that doesn't mean they don't have it) offer services where you can generate a temporary card number for a one-time single transaction, and the generated number becomes invalid after that single transaction. It's meant for online payments - you generate the number with a specified sum that can be spent, you make the transaction after which the number disappears. This, combined with a two-layer online banking login (password + single-use token sent by text to your phone) seems pretty solid to me. At least, I never heard anyone using it having their card data stolen.

Comment indirect sales (Score 1) 294

"the legality of a manufacturer-owned dealership"

I understand that sometimes a manufacturer doesn't want to deal with the upkeep related to a self-owned dealership chain. However, I don't understand why it shouldn't do it, if it wants to do it. Oh well, I understand, but I don't 'understand', since it's a stupid law (i.e., franchise laws related to vehicle sales). Who the hell care about protecting franchises? Yes, stupid question, obviously lots of people care, they're just not common people like you or me. The best compromise would be to allow any manufacturer to sell directly, if they want to, and let franchises survive by the rules of the 'loved' capitalist market rules - if they can't make enough profit, let them die off, simple as that. They can't beat manufacturer prices? Hell, who cares, I wouldn't mind buying cheaper cars. They could beat the prices? That'd be great, I'd buy from them. Unfortunately things are never that easy, but it would be nice if they would be, for a change.

Comment strong language (Score 2) 387

Never having been involved in Linux development, but following it since the early days, I always had the feeling that without Linus' strong leadership - including sometimes strong language - Linux would've been derailed and forgotten years ago. He is right in many aspects, including the need for a strong hand in some cases in the FOSS world, especially when you're developing something as important as the Linux kernel. Such an important piece of tech/sw can't be rapidly and consistently improved with constant debates about directions. Of course, Linus' leadership might not be the best possible, but I think a lot of us is willing to accept his sometimes strong language and style given the results he produced over the years. The end doesn't always justify the means, but in this case I think it does.

Comment percentages (Score 1) 460

"Most of these women encountered this abuse..."

So, not to discriminate or anything, but what about those 6% men?

Anyway, to the numbers, I'd only say that 26% (or even 6%) of 666 is staggering. The authors should have gone to great lengths to work with law enforcement provide a means to gather anonymized data in such a way that still could be used to discover the offenders. Otherwise I don't think this paper has any more value than some article in a tabloid.

Comment nobody interested? no wonder, really (Score 1) 326

"Both sets of information â" from the car and phone â" are sent to Katasi's servers. Then, an algorithm weighs the incoming data with other information, like the location of the phones belonging to all the people who drive the car and the starting point of the trip; if the trip starts at Junior's high school, and mom and dad's phones are at work, the driver has been identified â" Junior is driving."

I mean come on. In order for you cell phone to not allow you texting while you drive, you and everyone in your family would need to share their location with some crap company with no data privacy regulation at all (we are talking about a U.S. company after all). I wouldn't be interested in such a product even if it was free. Its stupid and idiotic and ridiculous.

The only, I repeat ONLY situation when access to the phone or the navigation should be restcieted while the car is moving is when there is a single person in the vehicle, and that could be checked with seat sensors and cameras, no external company would need to collect you and your family's locations just to decide whether it's you who's driving the damn car.

Submission + - When Scientists Give Up (

ferespo writes: Ian Glomski thought he was going to make a difference in the fight to protect people from deadly anthrax germs. He had done everything right — attended one top university, landed an assistant professorship at another.
But Glomski ran head-on into an unpleasant reality: These days, the scramble for money to conduct research has become stultifying.

So, he's giving up on science.

Comment the Outdated TI-84 Plus Still Holds a Monopoly (Score 1) 359

"the Outdated TI-84 Plus"

That's stupid: it's not outdated, it's just old, but nevertheless, it works quite well. I still have my 83, haven't used it for many years now, but still check the batteries in it from time to time to be sure it'll never die :) I guess it's more nostalgia at this point for me, but still, these things were/are quite great. Yes, pricey, but I don't mind paying some extra for a tool that lasts forever (and they seemingly do).

Comment to make up for the lost revenue (Score 2) 611

" each user would have to pay about ã140 ($230) to make up for the lost revenue"

This sounds crazy, I hope someone realizes that. "Lost revenue" in a businness which only has any revenue at all, because soeone somewhere thought that choking the Internet in a tide of ads must be a good businness model... "Losing" that "revenue" would be lost to those companies who built on this idiotic assumption, also this businness is one of those who drive the whole web into sh*t in the long run.The Internet would function fine, their only problem is that they've grown used to the high revenue stream and reducing or losing it would hurt them. But saying that they couldn't live with a reduced ad revenue and they'd need to push all that revenue's source onto customers to survive is also idiotic - who says they need to have the level of revenue they actually have, or that they actually need to survive at all? :)) I wouldn't mind seeing some of them disappear, they are no friends of mine, that's for sure.

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