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Comment Re:Why? Is it really necessary? (Score 5, Interesting) 187

You're making the assumption that all the bad stuff is outside the firewall and nothing evil ever gets in.

An example of how I use my firewall, is I block my email program from making any network connection other than imap/smtp. If it tries to make any other network connection (eg: downloading images from a web server), the firewall blocks it.

Comment Re:not quite as easily (Score 1) 145

So if they re-fueled OR if they loaded extra fuel, they could be anywhere, and the Indian Ocean flight corridor that is speculated on would lead to waypoints to the middle east. I'm guessing Iran, but it could just as easily be in Sudan or Pakistan.

They could be anywhere that doesn't have a strong military radar system.

I'm pretty sure anybody who flies into Iran without authorisation will be told to turn back or be shot down.

Comment Re:bacony (Score 2) 254

"no you cannot do anything in PHP that you can do in Python or Perl!"

that statement in itself is true, but PHP is a web language and as for things to do ON THE WEB yes I would argue it is more feature rich.

Even if you disagree with the Python comparison it certainly beats the current state of Perl all the hell.

Source: I've developed in all three for work.

I've only ever developed in PHP (well, I tried ruby for a few months then ran away screaming in frustration), but I know of things in python/perl that PHP is missing.

For example PHP doesn't begin executing your code until after the browser has sent _all_ of the post data. This makes it impossible to create a file upload progress bar in PHP. You can do it in modern browsers with javascript now, but previously it had to be done server side and only languages like perl can handle that - because they begin executing the code before the browser has finished sending all the post data, allowing the perl script to communicate progress updates back to the browser.

Comment Re:Not sure what you're talking about (Score 1) 254

I've never done my own garbage collection, and PHP just updated it in 5.3.

PHP works, it's fast as heck, and I can do anything you can do in python/perl just as well and way faster.

I don't know about python/perl but there are operations in PHP that need 200MB of memory which I could achieve in C with only 20KB of memory.

That's a 10,000x increase in memory consumption for PHP. If this has improved in version 5.5 I can't wait to give it a try.

And it's not just memory consumption, there are times when I run a xhprof on some slow PHP code and find out it's spending 90% of it's time allocating and/or freeing memory. If it used less memory, it would spend less time managing it.

PHP is a great language, but it's definitely not perfect. Memory and performance are "good enough" in most cases, but it's far from great.

Also, I have had to do my own manual garbage collection at times. There are no manual malloc/free API calls but I definitely do need to make use of unset() at times or otherwise refactor my code to reduce memory consumption.

Comment Re:No thanks (Score 2) 876

I've not done much/any c/c++/java stuff other than compile source written by other folks in the past 14 years or so, so maybe the current crop of IDEs do this.

iOS/Mac/NeXT programming has worked that way for about 25 years. You build and configure a series of objects with a GUI and when the application launches all of those objects will be loaded into RAM, then a "loaded" event is fired on each of them. From there your code will typically create more objects and setup stuff that can't be done in the GUI.

Objects created in the GUI are tightly linked to your code, the GUI for building the objects understands how to parse and partially compile code (even half written/broken code) and you can connect things up, for example if a button should only be enabled if a particular method returns true, then you can hook that up by dragging a line from the button's "enabled" state onto the method in the source code.

You can also drag a line from the button's "action" onto the an empty line of code in the source code, and it will write a blank method that in your code doesn't do anything, with the button linked up to it. Or you can write the method yourself and drag the line onto the method name.

Comment Re: Why? (Score -1, Flamebait) 2219

Right now I wish /. was sensors, because I want everyone who has commented on the beta in a non-beta related article to be permanently banned from ever commenting on the site.

It's fucking annoying, I came here to read comments and have discussions, the beta works well enough. Go talk about it in places like this article or just fuck off and never visit /. again, I don't care.

Please /. management, do not let a bunch of prissy idiots who think they own the site ruin it. Ban them, or at least give me the option of hiding all comments that mention "beta".

Comment Re: still exist, but... (Score 1) 474

It's not just a different clock speed, it has different memory architecture and so on. It has dual high-end workstation GPUs (which normally cost around $6,000) with some of the more expensive parts of the GPU replaced with cheaper consumer grade gear (bringing the price down to around $1,000 or thereabouts). For example, non-ECC memory. And if you boot the mac pro into windows you can't even use the cards properly, because AMD's drivers are not compatible at all and Apple's drivers for bootcamp only do a half assed job of supporting them. Enough to boot and run windows perfectly but not enough to actually use the GPUs to their full potential.

Comment Re: still exist, but... (Score 4, Informative) 474

The only non standard part Apple use is the motherboard, everything else is pretty much standard parts, memory, HDD, CPU's, GPU's etc are all stock standard parts available in whatever flavour machine you want Apple or not.

That's not true. They usually use modified versions of standard components. The current MacBook Pro has the RAM and SSD soldered onto the motherboard, and while the CPU is standard it has a custom connector and cooling system that has forced enough physical differences in the chip that it cannot be replaced. Most macs these days don't even have a GPU, they rely on intel's latest integrated ones which are finally pretty decent.

The Mac Pro is the only model Apple sells with fully standard CPU... but the GPU is non-standard, it's made by AMD but is a weird hybrid of two different GPUs that AMD sells, and Apple is the only company who can use it... one of the two GPUs in the mac pro even has a socket on it so you can plug in a bloody PCIe SSD card. On the GPU! They ran out of PCIe lanes on the processor, so the SSD has to share the lane of the second GPU which is actually a sensible choice since it's highly unlikely you will be maxing out the PCIe card (1.5GB/second) at the same time as doing serious computations on the GPU. That definitely is not a standard part.

On iOS apple builds everything themselves, they are famously known to have over 1,000 engineers working on just the CPU for the iPhone. They haven't gone that far with the mac but it's standard procedure to take components from other companies like AMD and Intel and Qualcomm but then modify to suit their own needs.

Comment Re:God I hate our patent system. (Score 1) 213

Patents are supposed to drive people to come up with ideas that would be cost prohibitive if they were not given some kind of incentive like a temporary government enforced monopoly.

Patents *were* supposed to do that. There have been a bunch of amendments since, and now their sole purpose is to make a lot of money for big companies. Which is arguably good for the economy of countries that have a lot of big entrenched companies, and bad for the economy of the rest of the world.

Giving out these monopolies in exchange for for such obvious ideas (i,.e. they would be invented regardless) is a shitty deal for society.

I agree 100%.

Comment Nest tie in (Score 1) 213

Google also describes how advertisers will be able to use a customer's profile 'to exclude a customer from being considered for an offer based on exclusion criteria identified by a business,' such as age, job title, purchasing history, clothing size, or other 'desirable' characteristics.

For example, if you're at home when a football game is on, then obviously you're a fan of the sport.

No thanks, I won't be buying anything off Nest.

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