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Comment Re:Powershell (Score 2) 729

Null-terminated strings were considered superior to using a length because they allowed strings to be > 255 bytes long (using 16 bits for the length would allow longer counted strings, but at that time with 4K of memory nobody in their right mind would suggest wasting a byte like that!).

Null-terminated strings also have the nice property that getting the "tail" is a very fast operation, since you just return a pointer to the middle. This meant that searches could return strings, rather than indexes. This then meant that every function that worked on text only needed one argument, a string, rather than two (a string and an index). The savings due to this were pretty significant.

Comment Re:Why tell us now? (Score 2) 64

From the wikipedia article, it was partially because a return expedition in 1988 failed to turn up any further samples. I think I have an explanation for that, just from the evidence of the original expedition. From the Wikipedia Article "using a sled that was dragged over the sea floor to collect bottom-dwelling animals.". What if their study process wiped out the whole phylum?

Comment Re:Do not ever (Score 3, Interesting) 116

The sad part is, they don't. There is no method to break a time share agreement. So I'm trying something new: I got out of the mortgage by defaulting on the loan, and then with that paper in my possession, which destroyed my credit rating anyway, I stopped paying maintenance fees entirely on the grounds that I did not own the condo and the damn condo association could take me to court over it.

They never did. My credit recovered after 10 years. New maintenance fees come on every year, I don't pay a penny of them, the ones that are 7 years old get dropped. They can sue my estate after I die, but I have the full amount in savings to pay them off at that point. The company itself has changed hands so often that I could probably make a good case in court for bad recordkeeping. I get 4 letters a year from them- one inviting me to vote in the condo association, three trying to get me to make good on the debt.

Comment Re:If the Grand Ayatollah's against it.... (Score 1) 542

I appreciate the atheist rant, and I think you'd be surprised to find most Catholics share in it. Including the Pope. oh, not the God doesn't exist bullshit, but especially the Jesus showing up in Church (which he does every day for Catholics) stuff, which most Protestants would be incredibly shocked by if they understood it.

Comment Re:Every President in my Lifetime (Score 1) 72

I do not know what happened to this original post, but you can tell them apart by their crimes. Starting with the Law and Order President who hired burglars, the unelected vice President who pardoned him, the peanut farmer commander in chief who sent helicopters into a sandstorm, the old Grandfather who couldn't stay awake in meetings, the "No New Taxes" guy who was forced to raise taxes, the bozo who couldn't keep his pants on, the druggie who wanted revenge for daddy, and now the anti-white racist who has to buy votes even among his own people with massive expansions of welfare. And somehow, I don't think we are at the bottom of this slippery slope yet, and like all slippery slopes it is unidirectional.

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