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Submission + - POLL: Should we repeal the Real ID Act? (

BeatTheChip writes: "May 11, 2011, marks the 6th year since the passage of the Real ID Act.

Real ID has gained a reputation as a national ID card and as means for the US government to expand domestic data surveillance infrastructure. DHS recently defunded the Real ID Act and many are asking the Obama Administration how they will repeal the Real ID Act. To date, 25 states passed legislations opposed to the costs or regulations. Local governments continue to haggle with regulations, restrictions and demands of identity towards citizens.

Take the poll: Do you think it's time to repeal the Real ID Act?"

Submission + - Samsung Galaxy S II Gets 3 Million Preorders (

An anonymous reader writes: Announced three months ago, Samsung has picked up 3 million preorders worldwide for its Galaxy S II smartphone by the end of last month. Given that the device is expected to launch in 120 countries on over 140 mobile operators, the number of preorders will only continue to grow. Oh, and it's not even available for preorder in the US yet.

Submission + - 400% Increase in Android Malware (

Orome1 writes: Enterprise and consumer mobile devices are exposed to a record number of security threats, including a 400 percent increase in Android malware, as well as highly targeted Wi-Fi attacks, according to a report by Juniper Networks. With smartphones set to eclipse PCs as the preferred method of both personal and professional computing, cyber criminals have turned their attention to mobile devices. At the same time, the gap between attacker capabilities and an organization's defenses is widening. These trends underscore the need for further mobile security awareness, as well as more stringent, better integrated mobile security policies and solutions.
Wireless Networking

Submission + - 1Gbps Optical Wireless Network Might Replace Wi-Fi (

Mark.JUK writes: Pennsylvania State University has developed a new method of indoor Optical Wireless network that does not require a line-of-sight and runs at speeds of 1Gbps+. The system uses a high-powered laser diode — a device that converts electricity into light — as the optical transmitter and an avalanche photo diode — a device that converts light to electricity — as the receiver. The light bounces off the walls and is picked up by the receiver. Traditional radio frequency systems (Wi-Fi , WiMAX etc.) do not require line of sight transmission, but can pass through some substances and so present a security problem. Light, in a room without windows, will not escape the room, improving security.

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