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Comment Re:The good news (Score 1) 700

Again, I'd say that needs to be proven. Isn't the sequence generally something like:

chip maker -> device maker -> distributor -> retail chain -> local store -> cashier who actually carries out transaction -> buyer

Exactly how far along that chain does knowledge of counterfeit go?

All the way to the end. If the price is 'too good to be true' then the customer knows.

Comment Re:The good news (Score 1) 700

Look, counterfeiting is wrong. But destroying the property of an end user, most likely unaware of the counterfeit device, is both wrong and illegal. Period.

Actually, counterfeiting is also both wrong and illegal. Period.

What? So if I shoot my neighbor,

What the hell is it with everyone using violent crime analogies? What does shooting someone have anything at all to do with a company issuing a firmware update that disables unlicensed counterfeit chips?

Everyone loves a strawman argument. And 'shooting my neighbour' is an extreme strawman.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 213

Not so much the rock itself, there's many similar rocks with similar minerals. It's all about the mining infrastructure you build there. Or about portable infrastructure that does the mining, for convenience lets call it a spaceship. Now if I was building such an object, it'd have a lot in the way of defence systems on it, to ensure that the blood shed would be someone else's...

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