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Comment Re:Whew, no problem then (Score 1) 505

You talk about the evidence that "the maximum CO2 concentration never went above 300 ppm." that was went there was an ice sheet, so we have to believe that there was ALWAYS and ice sheet over the entire Earth, even when the Earth was on giant continent, Pangaea [sic] I believe, that located around the equator. These Ice Sheets also "flowed" south from the Poles. That would seem to indicate that it was colder up north then toward the equator, other wise the ice sheets should have build evenly. "Science isn't democratic", it is eco-nomic.
User Journal

Journal Journal: doggerel

Why upset?
Walk in the rain,
Wet you get.

{hey, it was disclaimed!}

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fiddles don't make violins (random randomness) 7

Well, I stayed home sick today. The flu shot may NOT have been the culprit. I checked my Outlook web access a couple times today, and it appears that half my team was out sick. I may have just been the canary. Feeling better now, but really cruddy this AM.

This allowed me to spend six hours going through 10 hours of mandatory Army briefings today. :-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: de ME /AG 9

OK, actually, No-code tech with a CSCE for element 3. :-)
Hopefully, element 4 and both upgrades end of next month.

Then I'll start to learn the code. Honest. :-P

Oh, and after two solid nights of sleep, I actually got up in the general vicinity of my alarm (first try!) and went jogging for 2 miles. I hate running, btw. With a deep and abiding passion.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Kirchhoff's Second Law 4

tells us that the sum of the voltage drops must equal the sum of the voltage rises around any closed loop in a circuit.

Carry on.


Journal Journal: Smile and grin at the change all around - long. boring. 2

I mentioned a while ago that I had been selected to be one of the founding members of a new group at work. Well, found out Friday that I will FINALLY be moving to that group as of the beginning of Feb. Of course, they AREN'T going to move me to a cubicle by the window, but it looks like my obnoxious coworker will be moved out of the current cubicle (other cube-mate is also founding member of the group, and not obnoxious). Same pay,

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The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh
