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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 11 declined, 0 accepted (11 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - What is this MS Live thing?

JoshDM writes: "I'm going to my Hotmail account and all of a sudden I'm redirected to And it's Windows doing something. HAve to accept a new certificate and everything. I wonder if they bought too?"

Submission + - What do Nerds give kids for Halloween?

Squashua writes: "When I first bought a house and started giving out candy, I found that I ate more than I gave out, so I sought alternatives. As a comic geek, I figured that the $.25 bins would be a great place to start, and I've decided to share my knowledge and experience. I have considered other alternatives such as handing out completely encapsualted RPGs, Cheapass Games packages, HeroClix and other miniatures, or free PC games burned to CDs. Does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas?"

Submission + - What's being dev'd to help the global environment?

Environmentally Inept writes: "I'm constantly hearing people screaming that the sky is falling, and it sure is getting hot out there, but all I hear are ways to reduce future emissions (all car technologies). Is someone developing an atmosphere scrubber to reduce existing methane and CO2 levels? Anyone growing some super-trees or bio-engineered plankton they can distribute? We have enormous landfills, and Florida is developing this plasma array thing to eat the garbage; is it a load of hooey? Where's that super-steam trash destroyer we heard about (if only I could find the link) that will reduces garbage to it's component elements like carbon? Where's the Peltier air conditioner? Why not create gigantic ones? Where's the development; is it happening? Is it funded?"

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
