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Comment Re:Turkey (Score 1) 249

Perhaps you should learn the difference between a mistake and an accident.

I might decide to steal some item from a random store. I walk in with intent, I put something in my pocket and I leave. Two days later I am caught. Stealing was a mistake, however, I didn't do it by accident.

American officials of the time decide they want the Government to control land currently held by Native Americans. They institute policies and renege on promises ("Indian giver" doesn't refer to the Indian), and generally do bad things. They do them intentionally. Many decades later, people decide those actions were a mistake. However, no one thinks they were done accidentally.

Comment Re:Singled out? (Score 1) 247

You don't need Apple hardware to develop for iOS. It happens that Apple won't support any of the tools which enable such development, but then, why should they? You realise that MS doesn't support developing Windows applications on non-Windows OSs too, right? Same goes for Windows Phone.

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