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Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 54

Why don't they 1-index then?

Because they forget to, and because all the algorithms and data structures that they learned elsewhere, such as heap priority queues, have to have their logic changed between 0- and 1-indexing and between arrays that do and do not allow nil to be an element. For example, any SQL database will produce NULL values in the result of a LEFT JOIN statement, but in the iterator protocol used by Lua's for statement, nil is the terminator.

Are they that stupid?

Some people would interpret this question as carrying a hidden assumption that even if a language's design is flawed, a programmer can be just as productive in it as in any other language. If you are not trying to imply that, then yes, programmers are fallible, and a language design can help a programmer produce a correct program more quickly by protecting the programmer from his own mistakes. See, for example, widely cited accusations leveled at PHP. But if you are trying to imply that, then why not just have everybody program in assembly language?

Comment Re:The video game crash of 1983 (Score 1) 191

Nothing that you've said here is an accurate reflection of why that crash happened. Lockout wasn't even remotely a factor.

Then please help me understand why the abundance of low-quality shovelware was either A. unrelated to lack of lockout or B. not a factor in the crash.

So end users were faced with a choice between VCD/SVCD, which has no DRM and no major titles, and DVD, which has DRM and major titles.

And that was good for consumers how?

Because DRM gives consumers access to view the movie at home, as opposed to having to wait years to see it again in theaters if it ever comes back to theaters.

Comment Re:Enough customers do in fact tolerate DRM (Score 1) 191

DRM is good for consumers because it ensures that studios will be willing to publish more than zero desirable works in a format.

studios _have_ to be willing to publish in a format that people will use.

there are many people willing to buy copies of works in a DRM format

True, but that isn't an argument for how DRM can be good for consumers.

Which brings me back to the original assertion: DRM allows studios to make works available to those members of the public who accept DRM that the studios would be unwilling to make available to anyone without DRM. If the choice were between DRM home video and requiring the public to wait seven years for a repeat theatrical screening, how would the latter "be good for consumers"?

Comment Re:The video game crash of 1983 (Score 1) 191

The Atari 2600 was such an unbelievably primitive system, it was impossible to make complex game with

You'd have a point if if the Atari 2600 were the only platform affected by the crash. It was not.

and the NES was a ten year leap ahead in technology

The ColecoVision was almost as sophisticated technically as the Sega Master System and Nintendo Entertainment System that followed it. In fact, the nearly pixel-perfect port of Donkey Kong to the CV inspired Nintendo to make the Famicom in the first place. All the CV really lacked was smooth scrolling. Why did it crash too?

Comment Enough customers do in fact tolerate DRM (Score 1) 191

You seem to forget that studios _have_ to be willing to publish in a format that people will use.

And if there are many people whom the DRM doesn't inconvenience, then there are many people willing to buy copies of works in a DRM format. The popularity of video game consoles, DVD, and iTunes Music Store prior to 2009 has shown that there do exist enough customers willing to tolerate DRM to keep a market going.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 191

The much better question is: how much would it cost you to buy a lawful copy of everything you might reasonably listen to on Pandora?

Probably more than someone would pay for Pandora in ten years, especially someone who switches among several autogenerated "stations".

Comment The video game crash of 1983 (Score 1) 191

How can DRM and locking out competitors ever be defined as good for consumers?

"Ever" is a strong word. Think back to 1983 and 1984 when the North American video game market crashed due to too much choice. Because the Atari 2600 had no lockout, anybody could develop a poorly balanced game and sell it. In an era before Internet reviews, when games cost $20 or more (roughly $60 in today's money), people grew leery of spending on something they think might not be fun, and many retailers and end users gave up video gaming altogether. It took Nintendo and its lockout regime to convince retailers and end users to give video games a second chance.

In addition, DRM is good for consumers because it ensures that studios will be willing to publish more than zero desirable works in a format. Video CD and Super Video CD didn't do very well in North America because they were far easier for end users to duplicate flawlessly than, say, a VHS tape that incorporates generation loss as well as Rovi's Macrovision analog copy protection. It took CSS to get the major movie studios to sign onto DVD for the North American market. So end users were faced with a choice between VCD/SVCD, which has no DRM and no major titles, and DVD, which has DRM and major titles.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 0) 191

why exactly do you want to stream everything?

For the price of one album per month, you get a larger variety than you'd get buying one album per month.

The monopoly has just faded, is all, and they can't charge Apple on circumstances that just don't exist anymore.

The harm was allegedly incurred by circumstances that existed on a particular date. Just because the circumstances no longer cause new harm doesn't mean that old harms stop having happened.

Comment Re:Script sharing with non-Godot programs (Score 1) 54

So, given in far most cases the situation you describe does not apply

The features page states that Godot is available for desktop PC operating systems (Windows, OS X, and X11/Linux), one web browser (Chrome through PNaCl), major smartphone operating systems (Android and iOS), and select Sony consoles (PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita). Support for HTML5 and Windows Phone is allegedly coming soon. It sounds like you're claiming that "far most cases" will want to exclude Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo 3DS, and Wii U versions from the outset because those will have to use another engine without GDScript support.

Comment Script sharing with non-Godot programs (Score 1) 54

Is it so important to use an existing language, even at the cost of poorer performance and worse integration?

Yes, so a game using Godot can share game logic code written in the scripting language with a game for a different platform not using Godot. Otherwise your scripters have to either write in another language that compiles to GDScript or violate the "don't repeat yourself" principle by writing everything in both languages and taking extra effort to keep their behavior in manual sync.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 54

What well-known dynamic scripting language should it have embedded instead? Lua's standard library assumes use of "tables" (equivalent to a hash/dict) as 1-based null-terminated arrays, which causes programmers who come from other languages (most of which use 0-based bounds-checked arrays) to end up creating programs with unintended incorrect behavior.

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