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Comment Re:Hardware Companies & Telecoms Have Too Much (Score 1) 131

I assume it's reading something off the SIM or on the network, or the carriers are intercepting the "is their a new update" query.

Try this: shut down the device, pull the SIM out, turn it on, connect to Wi-Fi, and manually check for updates. Or is it actually storing what it finds through the SIM?

Comment Re:Hardware Companies & Telecoms Have Too Much (Score 1) 131

US Carriers can now hold up the over-the-air updates for Nexus.

Then buy the phone from someone other than a cellular carrier, and remove the SIM card when checking for updates over Wi-Fi. If neither the carrier-customized firmware nor a SIM card is present, what connection does the phone have to any carrier that would give the carrier power to hold up updates?

Comment The phone's owner has a copy of the binary (Score 1) 131

Tivoization refers to having source code but being unable to install it due to a locked bootloader. It does not refer to lacking source code in the first place. The owner of an Android phone already possesses a copy of the executable kernel on a flash memory soldered to the phone's PCB. This means that under the GPL, the phone's owner is entitled to a copy of the kernel's source code. The obligation to distribute corresponding source code to "any third party" if it does not accompany the executable was present already in the GPLv2.

Comment Bug the manager to get it fixed (Score 1) 413

Wallmart and places used to have terminals setup in store for this but those are long gone - or still sitting there broken and never fixed.

Then be a squeaky wheel. Call the manager daily and recite the following script each time: "Hi, my name is [name], and I am interested in working at [address of store]. I noticed that the employment application terminal at that store was out of service on [date of last visit]. Has it been fixed yet?"

Comment Subscription is broken (Score 1) 138

Slashdot used to offer HTTPS to subscribers, at a price of half a cent per page view (source: FAQ). But the subscription page is not only well hidden but also unavailable: "Buying or gifting of a new subscription is not available at the moment." The reason it was for subscribers only was that most advertising networks were HTTP-only, and browsers would block HTTP ads in HTTPS pages as "mixed content". Only in the past couple years did ad networks start to offer HTTPS.

Comment StartSSL issues free S/MIME certs (Score 1) 138

CA-issued keys typically cost money

StartSSL issues individual S/MIME certificates without charge.

PGP is hardly common as it is, but it's likely more so than S/MIME.

Perhaps it's uncommon because its proponents have failed to give a clear answer to this question: If someone doesn't regularly fly to key signing parties, how should he get his PGP key signed into the strongly connected subset of the web of trust?

Comment DigiCert (Score 2) 138

Tying a public key to your social media account is a good way to prove ownership without having to trust these notoriously dubious certification authorities.

You still have to trust DigiCert, the CA that signed the certificate. That's on top of trusting Facebook, as you pointed out.

Comment Annual fee per CableCARD (Score 1) 374

Does your TV have the necessary hardware and software to decode encrypted digital cable signals without having a piece of shit set top box that they charge you a rental fee for?

The cable company charges the subscriber to rent a CableCARD module even if the subscriber is not renting a set-top box.

Comment Re:Essential? really? (Score 1) 413

County libraries near me are open until 6pm MWF

So how should someone who gets off work at 5:00 catch a bus there and have time to do any substantial self-education or search for a better job? Using the Internet only on Tuesday evenings and Thursday evenings isn't very helpful because potential employers who send a message on Friday morning usually expect a reply before Tuesday night.

along with all day Saturday

The county library branch near me is closed on Saturdays from late May through the end of August. (Source:

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