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Comment Re:Germany should pay war reparations for WWII (Score 1) 743

Excellent point. Not only was Poland more devastated by WWII, they suffered from Communist rule for 44 years afterwards, and yet have recovered pretty darn well since 1989. Meanwhile, Greece has gotten themselves into this hole because they still cling to failed socialist economic thinking.

Native Hawaiian Panel Withdraws Support For World's Largest Telescope 286

sciencehabit writes: Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) – a state agency established to advocate for native Hawaiins — voted Thursday to withdraw their support for construction of the Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) on the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano. The vote follows weeks of protests by Native Hawaiians who say the massive structure would desecrate one of their most holy places. The protests have shut down construction of the telescope, which would be the world's largest optical telescope if completed. The vote, which reverses a 2009 decision to endorse the project, strikes a powerful if symbolic blow against a project that, for many native Hawaiians, has come to symbolize more than a century of assaults against their land, culture and sovereignty.

Comment *Why* there is too much noise (Score 0) 56

Commenters above have talked about the signal/noise problem, and they're right, but I don't think anyone has talked about why this problem exists. I have no direct evidence, but I'd bet that after 9/11, there was a high-level conversation in the administration something like this:

"There might be terror cells all over the US, and we might be hit again! Can the NSA watch the electronic communications of all Muslims in the US?"

"Sure, but we can't be sure of knowing who they all are. Besides, it would be considered discrimination to only surveil Muslims. If that ever got out, there would be charges of "racism" and it would complicate things with Saudi Arabia."

"Right, we can't admit that there's a religious war being waged against us. Better to just surveil everyone. Can you do that?"

"Um, sure, but we'll need a really big budget increase."


Comment Re:Solution looking for a problem? (Score 1) 174

"What use is a newborn baby?"

I shouldn't have to point this out to geeks, but the Apple Watch is only the start of something. It will be years before it really comes to fruition. And remember, unlike some companies (*cough* Samsung *cough*), Apple doesn't come out with a bazillion products and then sees what sticks. They tend to heavily research and internally test things beforehand. The size of the rollout tells me that they are pretty confident this is a worthwhile product (and product category) that will catch on.

Submission + - Why you need to keep your car keys in the freezer (

totalcaos writes: Car thieves are now using a relatively simple and inexpensive device called a "power amplifier to break into cars that have key-less entry. The "power amplifyer" acts alike a loudspeaker to overcome the distance limitation (roughly 2 feet) between the car and key.

Comment Re:Yeah good luck with that... (Score 1) 587

Female authors have long used male pseudonyms. According to Wikipedia, "In 1934, she legally changed her name to Andre Alice Norton, a pen name she had adopted to increase her marketability since boys were the main audience for fantasy." Increasing one's marketability is not really evidence of "exclusionary" practices.

Comment Re:Yeah good luck with that... (Score 4, Interesting) 587

AKA the issue should never have been one of inclusion. It needs to be one of ending exclusion.

Except that science fiction and science fiction fandom has never been exclusionary of women or racial minorities or gays! That's what makes the SJW crusade in fandom so bizarre. They come up with bogus issues like "#racefail," which was the supposed scandal that most WorldCon committees consist of white people. Well, such committees are all entirely voluntary, and AFAIK there's never been a single instance of anyone ever been turned down as a volunteer because they're black or gay or whatever.

I've also read that fandom needs more minorities because some minorities feel uncomfortable at conventions because "there aren't enough people who look like them." Well, whose fault is that? Fans are there because of a love of the genre. Why make a big deal about your race? I've also read complaints about fans asking well-meaning but awkward questions about race, e.g. "What's it like to be black and into science fiction?" Stop the presses! A nerd asks a friendly but awkward question?!? That's never happened before!! And, of course, we have the contradiction that white fans are "supposed to" be more aware of race, but heaven help them if they say something in the wrong way, whatever their intentions.

Comment Re: Oh, Okay (Score 1) 587

I feel that Shute's work is science fiction too, but it was not marketed as science fiction when it debuted

That really doesn't mean anything. Science fiction has long been considered a ghetto, and so publishers avoid the label when they have a Big Name or a book they think they can sell to mainstream readers. They don't want to turn off mainstream audiences, and they figure the SF readers will find it, anyway. See also: all but the earliest Vonnegut books, The Lomokome Papers by Herman Wouk, and many others. I'd be willing to bet that the current bestseller The Martian by Andy Weir says that it's "fiction" or a "novel" and not "science fiction."

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