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Supercomputer Models Sun's Corona Dynamics 105

gihan_ripper writes "Researchers from San Diego are using supercomputers to accurately predict the shape of the Sun's corona, based on magnetic field data from the photosphere. It is hoped that this model will enable us to predict Coronal Mass Ejections. When CMEs reach the Earth, they produce geomagnetic storms and can wreak havoc with communcations, GPS, and power networks. In the decade or so, the researchers hope to be able to predict CME collisions with the Earth and determine their impact."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Monarchs ... the end of the story

Eventually, four butterflies made it from the caterpillar stage to release. I took pics and everything, but I don't have any webpage to post them on :-)
User Journal

Journal Journal: Raising Monarchs 1

Sorry, not the ruling kind. The Monarch (Danaus plexippus) is the well-known butterfly.

A lovely Monarch female came and laid a few eggs on some milkweed in my garden. Now I have an egg and two caterpillars that I'm watching. More details to come, and maybe some pics if I can find a way to do it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Re: DSL connection

Never bothered to update the journal record, but this might actually help someone. Turns out that a source of EM waves near the DSL modem can progressively cripple the modem (until it's turned off and reset). Solution: modem on floor, monitor on desk. Problem solved. Only one of three Verizon employees was able to come up with a diagnosis and solution, though ...
User Journal

Journal Journal: DSL ennui

Trying to get Verizon DSL to work at our house. Connection is flaky; filters haven't helped. Verizon support staff is pretty good, though. It's taking forever to find the problem. Bleah. So what do I do when bored at the terminal? Try to figure out the journal features on /. *sigh*

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