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User Journal

Journal Journal: Signature revision and other things I learned today

Those of you that read my journal regularly (and I'm talking to SimianOverlord especially) will be happy to know that I'm am no longer threatening my own death in the third person for forgetting to append my signature to messages I post. I've now forwarded the URI so I don't have to use the lengthy, origional OSDN.net URI and it actually fits as a signature now.

In the processes, I found out that signatures are applied globally. I'm not sure whether to be excited, as global features are pretty cool, or annoyed, as now when I become nostalgic and dig through old slashdot articles, I'll be reading people's current signatures, and no the origional ones they posted with.

In other news:
        I see I don't have any fans. That's probably to be expected. How do I become one's fan? Or foe even. I wouldn't turn down freak, either, really. I just want to know how...

Oh, and before I forget:
        Karma --> Good
        Bob/Paul --> Happy

Hey, don't blame me. You were the one with the curiosity and the mouse clicking and the reading junk. Now you know why my blog failed.

(and btw--wtf HTML will /. let me use to control text size? the paragraph above should be smaller, but I'm not allowed to post the font tag, and things like <p style="font-size : 7pt"> don't work. Anything? WTF?)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal Comments and other matters of thought 1

Someone recently posted a comment to my "sig dumping ground." That evoked two thoughts for me.

First off, when did people start reading my journal? Should I feel special now?

Secondly, that guy had a "-1" score on his post, but I have my threshold set at 1. It's my journal. Why can't I moderate it and bump up his post? It's my freaking journal!

Can I use my mod points on peoples journals? That might be a fun waste of 5 mod points...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sig dumping ground 2

Copy/Paste this at the end of your posts. It's too long to use as a sig. If you forget, I will kill you.

--<br><a href="http://osdir.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-Comments&file=index&req=showreply&sid=736&pid=148">Remove the Kiddie Gloves!</a>
User Journal

Journal Journal: Palm OS 4 Emulation

144Mhz > 33Mhz.

In that regard, a TungstenT2 is faster than an m505.

However, Palm OS 4 apps run in DragonBall emulation mode at a faked 22mhz (or 25mhz, or whatever it is..)

When is someone going to write an app that lets me change this to an emulated 60mhz or at least 33mhz?


*EDIT* It seems the "Emulation" is actually simply an API converter, not emulation of a whole dragonball system, which, PalmSource claims, should make my old software run faster than it used to... Sure as hell doesn't seem to..

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