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Microsoft's "RoomAlive" Transforms Any Room Into a Giant Xbox Game 66

An anonymous reader writes Microsoft has unveiled a new augmented reality experience called "RoomAlive". Using projectors and Kinect, RoomAlive allows for fully interactive gaming experiences that take up an entire 3D space. From the article: "RoomAlive builds on the familiar concepts of IllumiRoom, but pushes things a lot further by extending an Xbox gaming environment to an entire living room. It's a proof-of-concept demo, just like IllumiRoom, and it combines Kinect and projectors to create an augmented reality experience that is interactive inside a room. You can reach out and hit objects from a game, or interact with games through any surfaces of a room. RoomAlive tracks the position of a gamers head across all six Kinect sensors, to render content appropriately."

Satellites Reveal Hidden Features At the Bottom of Earth's Seas 54

sciencehabit writes Oceanographers have a saying: Scientists know more about the surface of Mars than they do about the landscape at the bottom of our oceans. But that may soon change. Using data from satellites that measure variations in Earth's gravitational field, researchers have found a new and more accurate way to map the sea floor. The improved resolution has already allowed them to identify previously hidden features—including thousands of extinct volcanoes more than 1000 meters tall—as well as piece together some lingering uncertainties in Earth's ancient history.

Comment Re:The terrorist won. (Score 2) 217

When it comes it airport security, pretty much.

There's $AU630M in extra funding to security agencies, some of which will be spent on the latest high-tech toys at airports. Australia doesn't currently do finger-printing or eye scanning but expect that to be standard for any flights bound for the USA.

Obama, or rather his 3-letter agencies, will be keen to insure "terrorists" never get on a flight to US airspace, which involves sympathetic nations rolling out new protocols and technologies in each departure terminal.

Comment Re:Uh seriously? (Score 2) 71

If they'd stuck with the original formula that contained traces of cocaine, of course...

In South American regions coca is available over the counter in dry leaf form (for mastication during highland walks) and in tea bags, obviously at lower concentrations than the white powder rich folks snort.

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MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED -- The Pershing II missiles have been launched.
