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Comment Re:It gets worse... (Score 1) 667

So if i did some convoluted bad thing that made you look like a duck, you would be fine taking the blame?

The entire purpose of a false flag operation is to place obvious blame on someone else. We are dealing with masters of deciet here. Ukraine used to be part of the USSR and people around then are around today too.

Comment Re:It gets worse... (Score 1) 667

Do you know that the separatist taking credit are both A: separatists and B: the ones who shot it down? For all we know they cljld be plants for disinformation. But even if they are the real deal, nnothing has linked them to being the ones who shot the missiles. For all we know, they could be cheer leading something someone else said who could have been a Ukrainian plant. Their bragging about it is not evidence of anything other than they bragged. I mean hell, plenty of people popped the cork and started celebrating in 2000 when the networks called Florida for Gore. That was all over something that wasn't true.

As for them having a missile system. That doesn't prove anything other than they had the capability to do it. Lots of parties in the area have that capability including ukraine.

Your evidence doesn't amount to any logic or factual error when someone questions it. It doesn't amount to proof either. But for what its worth, i think the rebels did it too. I'm just not willing to dismiss other possabilities based on what we are being told. You shouldn' either.

Comment Re:Old dreams (Score 1) 108

Of course, the old Orion design has been significantly surpassed by a number of newer designs. Medusa, for example, is much better than Orion - the bombs explode in front of the craft behind a gigantic "parachute", which captures far more of the energy and the long cords on the parachute allow for a much longer, smoother acceleration pulse. The bombs are also able to be detonated much further from the craft, and the craft may be made a lot smaller.

Nuclear thermal - the first version that was being developed called Nerva - allows for "clean" (to varying degrees) fission propulsion from the surface. Or if what you want is high ISP in space, then a fission fragment rocket goes much higher than an Orion or Medusa design (and scales down a lot better)

Comment Re:It gets worse... (Score 1) 667

A friend was buying baby stuff for another friend. Somehow this ended up. With a rumor that he got his wife pregnant. When it got back to me, another friend asked if i though he was happy about it. I said he is probably mad as hell because he was fixed 20 years ago after his second kid. Good news traveled faster than the real news- it was for someone else.

So perhaps Ukraine security services planted the story that the rebels shot down a military plane, they went to bragging between themselves, and there is every piece of evidence you brought up.

Comment Re:It gets worse... (Score 0) 667

Or it was a false flag operation by senior ukranian military designed to outrage EU countries to impose the sanction against Russia that they rejected the previous day due to fears of wreckibg their own economy.

There is no logic error, Ukraine could have expected to benefit from the start. Having Russia abandon the rebels would be a huge victory for them. Its not the first time something like this has happened either.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 1) 778

If the prevailing wage is $20 an hour for a job and illegals come in and do it for minimum wage or less and the employer is only penalized up to minimum wage, they may take the chance. Especially when they can close down and open under a new name using the payments you mention as a reason for the bankruptcy.

But that still relies on them being caught and prosecuted which doesn't seem to be any priority. Especially so in the safe haven areas l.

Comment Re:Short-Lived? (Score 1) 778

I'm parroting the gao reports.

But judging from your reply, i'm guessing yoh difn't bother reading my post or are trolling. Nowhere did i say raising minimum wage was always bad and in fact, i specifically said there were times it was not harmful.

And no, you cannot do a studdy on a single factor in the economy and expect it to be always accurate. The economy is not just a complex system, it is also irrational and changes on nothing more than emotion at times. My point still stands.

Comment Re:It gets worse... (Score 0) 667

Yes, this is true and thank god the Ukranian government was listening in on those claims and had the recordings ready for dissemination moments after the crash. I mean if they didn't have it ready, the outrage against Russiia may have festered as much and Europe may not have been considering sanction agaist Russia that they rejected the day before over fears it would also harm their economies.

Now with lightning fast kneejerk reflexes, those sanctions can be reconsidered and Russia may separate themselves from the separatists.

Its all to convienient if you ask me. To much evidence too fast that carries weight from something that was being rejected to be accepted.we talk about the propaganda machine that was the USSR forgeting that the Ukraine was very much part of just decades ago. I don't trust either- although i think it is entirely possible rebels shot it down mistaking its identity. I also think it is entirely possible that Ukraine did so in order to bulster outrage into action against their enemies. They are after all, the only party with something to gain from this horrid experience.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nobots Chapter Thirty Three 2

An alarm woke me up at quarter after six. What the hell? Fire in P117? I put on a robe, and as I trudged down there Tammy was running into the commons. I wondered what was going on.
I got to Passenger quarters 117 and it was a damned drill, the light wasn't flashing and I didn't smell any smoke. I really didn't expect to, because except for Tammy's quarters none of the rest of the passenger section was occupied and

Comment Re:Short-Lived? (Score 1) 778

Yes and no.

The problem is a complex one but raising minimum wage is a lot like raising taxes. In periods of good economic health, its impacts are hidden and negligable. In periods of poor economic health, they are noticable and strongly impactful. Over a period of time, the prices of products and services equalize the impacts of them. Who gets hammered the hardest is the small business with a handful of employees because they both do not have the market force to alter pricing to adjust and have the least capitol to float on while adjusting.we do know that a combination of raising taxes and interest rates tipped the economy over and started the great depresion.

Now where it is not like a tax is in that many businesses including small businesses already pay above minimum wage to most of their employees. Where minimum wage is most prevailent seems to be areas with a lot of unemployed and fast food joints. Low unemployment sort of forces employers to pay more in order to stop employees from switching jobs to get raises or the benefits they want.

So raising the minimum wage will hurt strugling economies more so than thriving economies. As an invester, if anything lowers my rate of return, i look for something else to put my money in. So until prices for goods and services equalize with the increased costs, you may find areas people refuse to invest in seriously slowing any recovery efforts.

But iit is not just taxes or minimum wage that can cause this damage. Increased energy costs and regulation can have the same impacts.

Comment Re:Peak oil is not sudden (Score 1) 272

Decade or two to ramp up production for new vehicle sales. Plus a decade or so for consumer acceptance lag. Then two decades or more to phase out existing gas cars. We're talking half a century here.

Yes, at one point there were 5 cars per million people period. Around the year 1890. Today there's 0.15 cars per capita globally. It took over a century to scale up that much, so I don't think that's the sort of point you want to be making. Plus, not only do we have to scale up for existing car replacement, but also to handle the rapid growth of the third world, which will push that 0.15 cars per capita way up over the coming decades. It's simply something that will take decades to get the production capacity in place, and then decades at that level to phase out the existing vehicles on the road.

Biofuels are hardly a gap filler. Have you ever checked how much land they eat up even to meet today's tiny pathetic percentage of the market share? To meet the needs of the average American driver's 12k miles per year in an average 24mpg car (500 gallons) would require 3 million square miles of farmland dedicated to it, more than double the US total farmland for *all* crops - for human consumption, for animal feed, for clothing, for industry, everything combined. And that's just for passenger cars, let alone freight trucks, trains, airplanes, ships, etc.

It's not a gap filler. It's an environmental disaster on a greater scale than the oil it's trying to replace.

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