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Submission + - Citizen Integrators and iPaaS... what do you think?

theshowmecanuck writes: I may be encountering these animals in an upcoming project. The first sounds downright scary as hell to me. The second sounds interesting but strikes me as something that could limit the flexibility of what one is trying to implement; if one follows the rule that "in the cloud" means "on someone else's computer". What are Slashdotter's experiences with these? Benefits? Criticisms?

Comment Overstamp First? (Score 5, Interesting) 133

What if you use some tool and hammer to overstamp the serial numbers. Like scribbling over it. Then grind it down. Or if it is in a place that can be heated and cooled... like annealing... where any loss in strength from the operation, were it to happen, wouldn't be an issue. Would that change the underlying crystal structure significantly. I'm sure it would affect it some, but would it be enough to allow the crystal structure to 'reset' and erase the original stamp marks?

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