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Comment Re:Guilt by association! (Score 1) 334

your personal, established Facebook account and not some throwaway.

You're not trying to imply that people should violate an EULA or TOS, right? Because Facebook's TOS explicitly state that every account MUST represent a single person, and a single person SHALL NOT HAVE MORE THAN ONE ACCOUNT.
Soon the FBI will be arriving at your location to determine wether you're in a violation of TOS, a crime worse than murder, rape, genocide or treason.

Comment Re:Meth (Score 1) 431

in Argentina it's simply forbidden to buy chemicals of, basically, any sort.
You can barely find HCl "cement cleaner" at hardware stores anymore. And if you do, it's laced with I don't know what other acid that makes it unusable for meth manufacturing.
Lab-grade acids are completely out of the question. Even real labs have difficulty to get the right "permissions". So guess what: government-owned labs suddenly started consuming a lot more chemicals than before, since private labs now (illegally, of course) buy from them to get the needed chemicals.
Even having a chemicals license is dangerous: now a narc can come and make you an offer you can't refuse, and force you to buy chemicals for them.
All of this started a few years ago with the "triple crime" where 3 guys were found murdered. They were owners of pharmacies. They thought it was a good idea to sell efedrin to the narcs... until they wanted out. You don't get out of the mafia.
Of course, no one bothered to check why a certain high-profile reputable chemicals supplier was importing 40 tons a year of efedrin, when the number used to be less than 1 ton a year. Did everyone suddenly started getting the flu?

Comment Re:Miserable? (Score 3, Interesting) 215

They aren't mistakes AND they're so small, most people don't bother. Bill an extra "wrong" $5 every month to 10 million customers, though, and what do you get? A few thousand people calling about that charge, and getting it as credit in their next bill, and the rest of the millions just paying it without noticing.

Comment Re:The cost of doing business (Score 2) 215

This reminds me of an internet argument i had with a major dumbass.

Here in Argentina, VAT is 21%, CC swipe fees 3% and there are a few other taxes.
This guy was offended that "he" had to pay VAT, "he" had to pay the swipe fee, and "he" had to pay for operational cost of business. I just don't understand what he wanted. Apparently, in his silly world, a business should have only a markup of 30%, and ALL business expenses should come off that 30%. I shouldn't be passing on VAT to him, and I should absorb all costs "and if it's not profitable, I should close my business".

Some people just don't understand how things work.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 65

I don't think you understand the raw processing power of a modern CPU, maybe even combined to a GPU. You can have gigaflops of performance running on battery, in a laptop computer.
That's why this thing makes no sense to me.

Comment Re: Good for greece (Score 1) 1307

Not really. It's not profitable for the government.
It's strategic. It destroys stubborn economies that try to develop without approval from the central governments.
Dubai is using oil money to become a tourist attraction. That's good and all but, why not create industry? Real, heavy industry (not construction-based industry like Dubai has now: they basically produce supplies for their construction boom) Because Germany would urge the US to find WMDs in Dubai (they're arabs after all, and thus, muslim terrists), and bomb the fuck out of them.
Dubai isn't stupid. They know what happens when you try to do things without the US blessing.

Comment Re: Good for greece (Score 1) 1307

and constantly accuse us of having just waved our hands and made it all appear?

Because that is what capitalism is about. It's about rich countries staying rich, and abusing that position to get richer.
You see, it's simple: Germany has a lot of money (let's not discuss how they got it in the first place. They got it for free, from the US, who prints it for free). Germany lends money to Greece, and Greece uses that money to produce more money which is then - guess what - paid back to Germany with interest. Germany ends up having more money than before, and Greece ends up poorer than before.Why? Because Greece can't sustain an industry against Germany: even if they could, Germany wouldn't allow it: no country would lend you many for you to eventually compete with them.

This is broken capitalism, it's an exploitation of the system, and it leads to nowhere. It's just an elite of rich countries ruling smaller countries, and keeping them from developing, under pressure of different organisms like IMF, World Bank, Paris Club and others.

Is it fair that Germany has to give money away to Greece? Of course no.
Is it fair that Greece has to take loans to sustain their economy? Of course no.
Is it fair that the US can print money whenever it pleases? Of course no.

World's not fair. Let's not pretend Germans are saints. The worst offender is, of course, the US. Their debt is in the "trillions" and no one is talking about doing anything to them. They just raise the debt limit, and print more money. And it really doesn't make any sense: the US doesn't really have an industry or resources to back all that debt, and yet, they get away with it.

The truth is: poor countries just stay poor, and rich countries just stay rich. South-east asia has always been poor. They have a lot of industry now, and guess what? They're still poor.

There is no possibility for a change. It's been like this for over a century, and it will remain so. Lefties think "the US empire is about to fall" but this is far from the true. It's all fake money. It doesn't exist. China is the largest creditor for the US, and lefties think China can just demand their money back at any time. China can do this, and the US will simply default, China (along with the rest of the world) will crash, the US will throw boatloads of devaluated USD to China, call their debt 100% cancelled and credit agencies will rate the US as AAA+ again, cause they paid all their debt. The US will re-issue USD with new values and it will be back to normal. While everyone holding "old" USD will be left with monopoly money.

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