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Velociraptor Had Feathers 189

Spy der Mann writes "A new look at some old bones have shown that velociraptor, the dinosaur made famous in the movie Jurassic Park, had feathers. A paper describing the discovery, made by paleontologists at the American Museum of Natural History and the Field Museum of Natural History, appears in the Sept. 21 issue of the journal Science."

Submission + - Skype is down

szo writes: The whole skype network is down, according to the announcement it will take 12-24 hours to come back online.

Submission + - Skype has problems with login (skype.com)

mjoseff writes: "From the Skype Site:
"Some of you may be having problems logging into Skype. Our engineering team has determined that it's a software issue. We expect this to be resolved within 12 to 24 hours.""

Rosen Believes RIAA is Wrong about P2P Lawsuits 287

Newer Guy writes "Former RIAA head Hilary Rosen now believes that the RIAA is wrong by pursuing their lawsuits of individuals for using P2P programs. In a blog post, she writes that she believes the lawsuits have 'outlived their usefulness' and states that the content providers really need to come up with their own download systems. She also is down on DRM, calling Apple's DRM 'a pain.'"

Web Site Attacks Against Unpatched IE Flaw Spike 268

An anonymous reader wrote to mention a Washingtonpost.com article about an increase in attacks against IE users via a critical, unpatched flaw. The bug allows software to be downloaded to the vulnerable PC even if the only act the user takes is browsing to a web site. From the article: "[A] password-stealing program landed on the Windows PC belonging to Reaz Chowdhury, a programmer for Oracle Corp. who works out of his home in Orlando, Fla. Chowdhury said he's not sure which site he browsed in the past 24 hours that hijacked his browser, but he confirmed that the attackers had logged the user name and password for his company's virtual private network (VPN)."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Gmail invites 9

Google has recently decided they want to give me a bunch of 'em [edit: 7 sent out, 5 remaining], and everyone I know seems to already have one, so I have a few left. If you want one, reply to this here journal entry. (I'll need a pre-existing e-mail address to send it to you.) Figured I'd share the wealth.

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