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Comment Re:ill tell you how to fix it (Score 1) 194


So much this.

My policy is exactly the same.

I used to hate how the web had outgrown the internet. I use the Internet a lot more than I use the web. I usually keep more SSH connections than open tabs, and my torrent traffic far exceeds any web use. Well, we're coming to an even sadder reality: Not only has the web eaten the Internet, a handful of websites are eating the internet.

Comment They should sue browsers too ... (Score 4, Insightful) 194

The solution to this is obviously to avoid facebook/twitter and all that shit like the plague.

Regardless, how can they sue somebody for doing a fucking greasemonkey script? "This software tinkers with our webpage" seems to be their logic. Well, so does every browser on planet earth. HTML is a declarative language, you REQUIRE a user agent to interpret your webpage. Essentially, you are telling the user "well, here is this information, and we think it should be displayed sort of like this". That's it. The user can either parse the code on his own (aka just read the source), or write some code to do it, or use somebody else's code to parse it. How are the actions performed by this script any different from what any browser does?

If you publish a website, everytime it's displayed, you are acting as GUESTS in my computer, no the other way around, and you'll play by my rules.

Comment Of course, they go after Free Software (Score -1, Flamebait) 208

You are trying to spread free, good code around, useful to a lot of people? Trying to contribute your knowledge and work to the community? How dare you! We're going to tax you into oblivion.

If, on the other hand, you are in the business of spreading lies about nonexistant magical beings in the sky and lobbying to get even more conservative, retrograde politicians in order to prevent people from having abortions, marrying, or otherwise being happy and doing what they want with their lifes, sure! here's your friendly tax exempt status. Don't worry if you break the rules either, turns out we need a certain high ranking officer we haven't had in a while, and we we'll never hire again, so go on! keep fucking up society, that is certainly not taxed!

The world is a seriously fucked up place.


Ask Slashdot: Enterprise Level Network Devices For Home Use? 241

First time accepted submitter osho741 writes "I was wondering if anyone has enterprise level networking devices set up at home? I seem to go through at least 1 wireless consumer grade router a year or so. I can never seem to find one that last very long under just normal use. I thought maybe I would have better luck throwing together a network using used enterprise equipment. Has anyone done this? What would you recommend for a network that maxes out at 30mbps downstream from the ISP and an internal network that should be able to stream 1080p movies to 3 or 4 devices from a media server? Any thoughts and or suggestions are welcome."

Comment Re:Why don't you drop the car altogether? (Score 1) 775

Yeah, well, honestly, I'm a good pilot, and I have excellent reflexes. I drive defensively, always alert, and I can avoid most accidents. I was involved in an accident ~3 months. An idiot merged into the highway at high speed without looking or any warning, I was doing ~95km/h, I dodged him but lost control while doing so, and hit the floor at that speed.

I was lucky, I didn't hurt myself at all, and the motorcycle just had some broken plastics, I was able to just ride out of there. The asshole didn't even stop.

I understand the risks, but I'm willing to take my chances.

Comment Re:Why don't you drop the car altogether? (Score 1) 775

I get your point. Sure, it doesn't apply everywhere, but it applies in 70% of the world. it hasn't snowed here since '92, but we do have chilly winters, it's -2C right now, and I just drove 12.5km to get home, through heavy crosswinds and zero visibility. I just fucking love riding on two wheels, cold or not. It's enjoyable, it relaxes me. I leave the problems at work on the road and get home happy as a clam.

Regarding groceries/passengers, etc., well, as I said, I leave 12.5km away from the city, and the stores around are closed by the time I get home, so I usually do my shopping on the city. Yesterday I brought ~5kg of meat and ~2kg of vegetables using just the storage below the seat and a small backpack. I do have additional storage (saddlebags and a top-box) that I can just attach to my ride if needed. And I'm used to riding with one on the back, not a problem. I've taken two people too many times.

Comment Re:Why don't you drop the car altogether? (Score 1) 775

Cars park by the curb, and if you park your motorcycle there, some asshole will move it to make room for his car. It's happened to me every time I parked that way. Fuck that.

It rains like hell all year in here, and right now it's -2C, well below freezing. And I just drove 12.5 km through heavy crosswinds in almost zero visibility to get home.

I'm a software developer, I own 50% of the company, so I can dress however the fuck I want, but I dress formally most of the time. If I need to wear a tie that day, I just change at the office.

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