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Comment Re:$30/mo is a terrible price (Score 1) 43

Which is true. I have the same problem with certain lower-cost cell providers where I live. As soon as you wander out of the downtown area, you're hit with roaming charges. For some people that may serve their needs (they never leave downtown). Same as wifi coverage only. May serve many people's needs. They never leave the populated areas. Doesn't work for me, but I recognize that my usage may not be typical.

Comment Re:It's been going on for years (Score 4, Insightful) 388

I'd agree with all of them, with the additional caveat of: dispute with respect. I've disputed many papers and exams during my education. But the discussion was always civil. "I think you've marked this answer incorrectly. Could you tell me where and how I went wrong?" and not "You thug! How dare you challenge my obvious superiority!".

Comment Re:My mother is an optometrist (Score 3, Informative) 464

I just had my prescription redone. My optometrist recommended my current prescription for "normal" stuff, and a second set of glasses for my computer work. She'd mentioned that progressives were possible, but if I didn't mind switching glasses, I'd probably be happier with two different sets of glasses.

Comment Re:This actually sounds pretty cool. (Score 2) 149

But... when a library is patched then you have to re-download your entire machine again. What's the point of shared libraries? Just static link everything and you get a lot of the same result. (Not all.. there are other features of containerization... but static linking solves your library hell. And then there's the GPL/LGPL issues....)

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