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Comment Re:Math (Score 1) 236

Even if the world rallied around the cause instantly and everyone didn't panic (HUGE ifs), do we have the technology to alter the course of a mile wide asteroid in 2 months?

No, but I would not rule out the chance to preserve a nucleus of human specimens. It would be quite easy, at the bottom of some of our deeper mineshafts.

Comment Re:This works 100% (Score 1) 260

I've had the 'starvation mode' discussion with people in the past. I lost 45 pounds at a rate of about 1-1/2 lbs/week by cutting my intake by an estimated 500 calories per day. There were people who responded essentially with "Can't be true -- after a couple of weeks your body would go into starvation mode and the weight loss would stop." While that might be true for some individuals with unusual metabolisms, it's not true in general. 500 calories is the difference between a burger and fries, and a burger and a side of fruit. Or the difference between a burrito slathered with sauce and cheese, and a salad. A year later, and the weight is still off; I have more energy, and my diet is definitely healthier by a long stretch.

Comment A thousand times NO. (Score 3) 597

NO. That will not happen. Power equals voltage times current. To deliver the same power load at a lower voltage would require higher current, and household wiring is already designed to carry as much current as it safely can. Lowering voltage would thus require new, much bulkier wiring, which can't easily be retrofitted in older structures. Conduits would be able to carry far less of it, so those two would have to be overhauled. Last but not least, wireless charging and better batteries will eliminate much of the need for the lower-power wiring in the first place. There are very few things that I can confidently predict about the future, but one of those things is that mains (110-220v) voltage is not going to change drastically anytime soon. I'd be willing to bet every single powered appliance in my home on it.

Comment Re:The actual battle is not Android vs iOS. (Score 1) 344

I've never, ever heard someone choosing a phone based on it having iOS or Android.

Well then, let me introduce myself. A few months after my wife got an iPhone 4, I got one too, just so I could answer her "How do I ...." questions. It didn't take long for the iGloss to wear off for me, so as soon as I qualified for a "free" (well, heavily subsidized) phone upgrade from our carrier, I ditched the iPhone in favor of a Galaxy S4 specifically for the capabilities of Android that just aren't there with IOS. The wife is still happy with her latest iPhone, and I'm still happy with my Samsung. To each his (or her) own.

Comment One long chase scene, and nothing else (Score 2) 246

I like a good chase scene, when it's part of the movie. But when the chase scene is the entire movie, it becomes less exciting.

The plot of every Mad Max, except the first one, is the same: "High Plains Drifter" all over again. Loner anti-hero comes to town. None-too-nice towns people need his help. With some reluctance, the anti-hero does save the town folk. Then the lone drifter drifts off again.

Submission + - IRS cut its cybersecurity staff by 11% over four years (computerworld.com)

dcblogs writes: The Internal Revenue Service, which disclosed this week the breach of 100,000 taxpayer accounts, has been steadily reducing the size of its internal cybersecurity staff as it increases its security spending. In 2011, the IRS employed 410 people in its cybersecurity organization, but by 2014 the headcount had fallen to 363 people. In 2012, the IRS earmarked $129 million for cybersecurity, which rose to $141.5 million last year, an increase of approximately 9.7%. This increase in spending, coupled with the reduction in headcount, is an indicator of outsourcing, said Alan Paller, director of research at the SANS Institute. Paller sees risks in that strategy. "Each organization moves at a different pace toward a point at which they have outsourced so much that the insiders do little more than manage contracts, and lose their technical expertise and ability to manage technical contractors effectively," he said.

Submission + - Neil deGrasse Tyson urges America to challenge China to a space race (examiner.com)

An anonymous reader writes: According to a Tuesday story in the UK edition of the International Business Times, Neil degrease Tyson, the celebrity astrophysicist and media personality, advocated a space race between the United States and China. The idea is that such a race would spur innovation and cause industry to grow. The Apollo race to the moon caused a similar explosive period of scientific research and engineering development.

Submission + - Drone Detection: What Works And What Doesn't

An anonymous reader writes: Another drone was discovered flying in restricted air space around the White House two weeks ago. The Secret Service found the pilot simply because they happened to see him. In other words, there is no indication that the Secret Service would have found the pilot if he had not been in plain view. This person didn’t have bad intentions, but one day someone will. A little drone-detection education is in order.

Submission + - Google and Whatsapp will be forced to hand messages to MI5 (telegraph.co.uk)

An anonymous reader writes: Google, Facebook and other internet giants will be forced to give British spies access to encrypted conversations of suspected terrorists and criminals under plans to bolster surveillance powers.

New laws will require Whatsapp, which is owned by Facebook, Snapchat and other popular apps to hand messages sent by their users to MI5, MI6 and GCHQ about suspects under investigation.

The new power is to be included in a new Investigatory Powers Bill which will overhaul the ability of the spy agencies to monitorsuspects and intercept their communications.

Submission + - Journalist fools media into publishing chocolate weight loss story (io9.com)

dinfinity writes: "“Slim by Chocolate!” the headlines blared. A team of German researchers had found that people on a low-carb diet lost weight 10 percent faster if they ate a chocolate bar every day. [...] It was discussed on television news shows. [...] My colleagues and I recruited actual human subjects in Germany. We ran an actual clinical trial, with subjects randomly assigned to different diet regimes. And the statistically significant benefits of chocolate that we reported are based on the actual data. It was, in fact, a fairly typical study for the field of diet research. Which is to say: It was terrible science. The results are meaningless, and the health claims that the media blasted out to millions of people around the world are utterly unfounded."

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