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Comment Re:"Audit"? Try massive rewrite. (Score 2) 132

> ... One big mistake is not a reason to scorch and salt the earth.

Listen, lad. I've built this kingdom up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was swamp. All the kings said I was daft to build a castle in a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up.
An' that's what your gonna get, lad -- the strongest castle in these islands.

Comment Micromite (Score 3, Informative) 138

Here's a better one-chip sollution:


PIC32 running a full BASIC interperter (ANSI X3.113-1987, with optional line numbers, structured programming features like do loops, multiline if statements, user defined subroutines and functions. )

You don't even need to install Arduino or another IDE to use-it - you just need a VT100 terminal emulator and use the built-in editor.

Comment Re:BASIC bad, ?? good (Score 1) 146

I recommend MMBasic on a Maximite

Quoting from :

MMBasic is a free and open BASIC interpreter for 32 bit microcontrollers.

It includes floating point numbers, extensive string handling, multi dimensional arrays and structured programming features like do loops, multiline if statements, user defined subroutines and functions.

MMBasic is generally backwards compatible with Microsoft's MBASIC and implements much of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987).

Comment Re:How about a backplane? (Score 1) 51

It depends.

How about a 1U rack-mounted box, with redundant PSUs, hosting around a hundred of Pi SODIMMs, with a USB-Ethernet chip for each slot, every X (7..24) ethernet lines connected to a switch chip with a gigabit uplink on the back of the enclosure.

Current RPi USB-Ethernet is slow because of the USB-HUB-and-Ethernet chip used. You won't have a USB hub in this configuration, and you can use a better USB-ETH chip.

Also you don't need a single, huge, expensive PCB. You can have multiple small PCBs side by side each one hosting just X (see above) cards.

Put a small switch next to each RPi DIMM slot on the board so you can power them off and replace-them online.

Need more local storage for each node ? - you can have a SD-Card slot next to each Pi slot - there are 46 GPIO available pins for those kind of extras (RTC, temperature, front panel leds & reset button for each RPi DIMM)

And Liz just let slip in the announcement comments that Broadcom might enable some extra functionality (ETH, SATA or other fast interconnect) on those extra pins.


Comment Re:BUT, More RAM please sir... (Score 5, Informative) 51

The BMC chip can access 1GB of RAM, but unfortunatelly 512MB is the largest size currently produced in that form-factor (Chip-on-Chip BGA DDR1).
And the Raspberry Pi Foundations does not buy RAM chips in enough volume to justify to any vendor a custom made memory chip at that price.
So we're stuck with 512MB ... unless this new SODIMM form-factor is so succesful that they have enough volume to get that custom 1GB chip made for them at the same price as the current 512MB one.

Comment Re:systemd Architecture (Score 1) 641

As a sysadmin using RedHat in production environments, i will not recommend upgrading to RHEL7 if it uses systemd as it is now, with no backwards compatibility:

1) We have tons of old proprietary software which only knows about init.d startup scripts, cron & so on. That software will surely not get updated to be systemd-aware by the vendor and we cannot make "hacky" things for compatibility as we lose any vendor support.

2) journald does not support remote logging. When you have servers handling PCI data, you spend more on external hardware & software who make sure all PCI data is protected than you spend on the server itself. No remote logging = no go for systemd.

Also, on a production server, you really don't care if the OS startup scripts run in 1 minute or 15 seconds. You still have to wait 5+ minutes for the BIOS to finish the memory & hardware tests, the [proprietary] DB still takes a lot of time to start up.

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