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Comment Hate to be the one to point this out... (Score 5, Insightful) 267

But they said the exact same thing about Linux distributions in the 90's, after the post Redhat influx of distros. What we learned from that experience, and some of us knew it at the time, was that the more people you have working in their own isolated environments, solving the problems that are important to them... the more innovation you have in the greater Linux space. It's the trickle down effect in open source software, and it's what makes a product or product ecosystem stronger. And we're seeing the same effect in the Bitcoin space. Just look at the proliferation of Scrypt variation, Gravity wells, different variations on proof of work, proof of stake, and others. Like Linux, Bitcoin is more than a bundle of software products, it's an entire ecosystem. To dismiss that, and say that there should only be about Bitcoin seriously misses the way open source innovation works. The rest is all marketing, which is bullshit by definition.

Comment It's like this.... (Score 1) 278

The old world job applications were not designed to let you highlight your skills or paste specific sections of your resume. The text boxes were built too small, and it was intentional. That’s because the objective of the old world job application was not to learn about your skills and competencies. To put it bluntly, they were designed to see how well you follow written instructions.

The technology we have now was inconceivable when these old job applications were created, but the objective of the application stays the same whether you’re writing one out on paper, or filling out an online form. If you've reached a point where the form is timing out, you’re either over thinking the thing, giving answers that are too thoughtful for the context, or you’re not going in prepared.

I can tell by the wording of the question that you've got entirely the wrong mindset. Applications are not resumes. Think of it like the good parts version, know that ahead of time, and you should be able to fill out just about any application in a few minutes.

Comment Re:That's okay.... (Score 2, Informative) 101

If you stored Bitcoin in a bank, it would be insured, and there wouldn't be an issue. This isn't even about wallets or banks or credit. This time, it's about a bug in the protocol. Every bug discovered makes the system stronger. Sucks that miners are losing money, but the discovery is good news in the long run. Compare this with the banking system. When a bug is discovered, it takes years to get fixed, millions, sometimes billions of dollars are lost. The process is onerous and intrusive, often resulting in less privacy or harder laws that don't actually address the root cause of the problem. A problem surfaces in Bitcoin world, at worst you're going to have to wait a week before the wallets or miners are patched. What was that you were saying about harm again?

Comment Re:Radicalization (Score 1) 868

Given that Israel rules Palestine, that really doesn't meet my definition of democracy. As an American I'm sure I'd have problems with an Islamic Israel, but we tell ourselves we value democracy and freedom above all else. Furthermore, I can't imagine the current course will end up better.

You might want to do a bit more googling.

Let's start by correcting your math.
There are 5.9 million Jewish citizens in Israel. They comprise 73.75% of the population.
There are 1.4 million arab Israelis, who comprise 17.5% of the population.

Neither group is separated by law or for any other reason. They often share the same neighborhoods, employers, and elected officials.

Of the 12 arabs in the Knesset, 2 of them are Christians; which, by your numbers would mean that Christians are disproportionately represented in the Knesset because they only comprise 2% of the overall population. MK's are represented on their merits, and very little else.

How does that not conform to your idea of a democracy?

The West Bank is not governed by Israel. Under Oslo it is fully autonomous, and it elects its own government.

The arab population in the West Bank is 92% muslim.
There are no Christian members of Fatah serving in any capacity. Nor are there any to my knowledge in the "unity" government. Christians are routinely the targets of terror attacks, are required to pay the Jizya, and are regularly discriminated against by their Muslim neighbors. Often, their homes and holy sites are used as launching posts for attacks against Israel. They are prevented by the PA from rebuilding these structures.

Gaza is a completely different country, outside of the borders of Israel since 2005, and it is not a democracy at the present time.
Just yesterday, 20 peace protesters were executed. There is a gender apartheid similar to the one in Saudi Arabia. Like the Christians of the West Bank, Gazan Christians must also pay the Jizya without the benefit of any representation in government whatsoever. No freedom of speech is tolerated by anyone. Weddings are bulldozed when music is played, and honor killings are a fact of life.

If you as an American value the ideals of peace and freedom, you're being a complete fucking hypocrite by supporting terrorists in Gaza and the Territories.

Comment Okay (Score 3, Insightful) 627

You know, I hate to be the one to point this out, but nearly every one of those things can be attributed to governmental overreach as much as it can be attributed to the environment. Just look at the water shortage statistics. States that were hit the hardest all had laws against rain water collection. Wildfires, likewise, may also be related to the insane laws we have in place. Insurance companies are being regulated to death, and are playing it as safe as they legally can. It has more to do with this insatiable need to regulate the hell out of them than it does with actual conditions. Sea levels go up and down all year long, and no amount of climate change legislation is going to have any power to control that. Of course the government is going to tell you that climate change is a big problem, and that more of your tax money is needed to combat it. They have a profit motive to do so, duh. The people to listen to here are the ones who have no political or financial agenda.

Comment Why do they always make grand inaccurate claims? (Score 1) 149

I would make a case for entrapment. If anyone comes to you and says something along the lines of, "I've got some drug money to launder, I need $30,000 in bitcoins..." don't say yes. I mean, Jesus Christ, how fantastically stupid do you have to be to go for that?! Still, law enforcement is breaking the law when they create crimes to arrest people for. Beyond that, unless they're going to make private money transactions illegal, this case doesn't really mean anything for the bigger picture.

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