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Comment Re:1 thing (Score 1) 583

And for some reason, they don't like to tell you the salary up front. I made it a practice to refuse to follow up if I don't know the potential salary. I made the policy after wasting my time in interviews only to discover the companies were run by tight-wads who were offering far below the industry standard (which explained why they were hiring).

Comment Re:It was an app on a personal Phone! (Score 2) 776

They basically lied to her about the function of the app by not telling her that they would be tracking her every move 24/7. When she discovered she was being tracked all the time and her creepy boss was making creepy stalker-like comments about her, she complained, then removed the app. The company would be very smart to settle out of court.

Comment It's time to fight back (Score 1) 636

I'm starting to think the only way to stop these companies from wholesale firing so they can replace everyone with cheap H1-B workers is to make them targets for massive cyber attacks. Not that I can do that. It's not my skillset. But if it ever does happen, I'm going to sit back with a big bag of popcorn and laugh my ass off.

Comment Re:Integrity much? (Score 1) 127

Yup. Fark is getting less fun ever day because Drew sold out. The very reason we go to fark is for the outrage and silliness. But all too often a moderator obviously born a Puritan steps in and ruins the fun.

Also, their moderators are idiots. When I called out someone who said something extremely racist and offensive, I got a 24 hour ban. When I complained the fucking moron of a moderator insisted the statement I referred to wasn't racist. Yes it was. It was extremely offensive to Filipino women. I know, because I asked my Filipino niece. Fark either needs to get moderators who aren't racist morons.

Comment Re:Who would have guessed male dominance? (Score 1, Troll) 356

When women who are raped are treated like trash. When there is, for all intents and purposes, slavery (despite being outlawed). When an accident of birth forever brands you as undesirable and lowly. Then fuck yes, I will dismiss your culture as backwards and inferior. You had that thousand years to become decent. You chose not to.

In a fraction of that time we got rid of slavery. Women have equal rights. Rapists and child molesters are tossed in prison and outcast by the majority of people. A person born low can rise up to become head of a corporation.

So go fuck yourself.

Comment More fascism (Score 4, Interesting) 136

The feds have been putting pressure on banks to stop taking accounts for businesses they do not approve of. So far, they've gone after accounts of the porn industry and gun stores. I fully expect them to target tobacco stores in the near future. They do this by suggesting to the bank that they would find it necessary to conduct thorough and repeated audits if the banks work with "less than desirable" businesses.

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