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Comment Re: Right, but does it correctly model... (Score 1) 247

That was my thought. In world war Z the governor tells everyone to head to Canada without proper planning and then moves the entire Armed forces to California and defends the west coast only.

If the government tells people to head for the hills the safest place will be a high rise tower that you empty and block the lower levels on. My personal favorite would be a 2-3 story warehouse so you can store equipment inside. Warehouses have limited stairs to make securing the upper levels easier.

Comment Re: Jerri (Score 4, Insightful) 533

Because it was bush that set the terms for the Iraq pull out of newly independent and soverigen country of Iraq.

Obama wasn't stupid enough to force an issue where if he left troops in Iraq against the sovereign wishes of Iraq those troops would be subjected to Iraq and international war crime laws.

Of course republicans don't care about such issues as sovereign countries having rights too.

Comment Re:Best defense is not to care (Score 1) 107

I was using my samsung Smart tv for youtube, as Roku didn't have a youtube. That changed ~6 months ago so I started to use both. Then Samsung tried to insert ads into my playback , so I disconnected the TV from the network.

What will it take for companies to learn if you don't want to provide support for 10 years don't design a device that requires your constant support for 10 years?

Comment Re:Poor choice of example (Score 3, Insightful) 341

Even more so when you think no one else had a good reason to use nukes againist an enemy. Even today the estimates for bringing an end to world war two wa hundreds of thousands of lives, and another 1-2 years of fighting. Unlike Germany fire bombing Japanese cities wasn't having the desired effect.

No wars since then have been that desperate for those with nukes. Which is the only reason why north Korea is troubling. North Korea or Iran will feel desperate enough to use them.

Comment Re:Not very effective. (Score 2) 134

what gets me is how is having an illegal sim card not be traceable.

a cell phone is a portable tracking and identifying device. You don't need fingerprints, just force everyone who accesses the local networks to have registered sim cards, linked to registered contracts. no prepaid sims.

if you can't track cell phones without fingerprints then you are doing something wrong.

Comment Re: So how about the core Russian module? (Score 1) 106

You had me until you said Russia had the most reliable manned launches. The USA has put over 700 people into orbit Russia is barely above 200. The numbers are public.

The last time I did the math Russia and the USA both had a 1.5 deaths for every 100 people flown into space ratio. So no Russia isn't more reliable or less risky.

Comment Re:Pen name? (Score 1) 148

Wow that is right up there with birthers, and 911 conspiracy theorists.

If you said sometime around book 9 I might have believed you too. especially since sanderson only took over with book 9 and 10. You can tell by the sudden change in writing style and language use. Heck I could see it half way through book 9.

Comment Re:Good for them (Score -1) 216

In America we have free speech. it is against the constitution for them to censor speech in such a way.

how would you like it if the phone company censored everything said across their networks? Just because the speaking medium(video, voice, text) is wholly owned by a company does not give that company the right to censor speech.

Now in practicality it is legal to do if it is known. I would expect children chat rooms to be moderated and censored too.

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