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Comment Re:He has a talent for understatement (Score 1) 305

GDP. Is meaningless the government doesn't get a dime from the gdp.

That is like your kids saying they can have a car because their parents income will cover it.

While technically true. It is a complete misrepresentation.

The military budget is 30% of our government income. That is far to high. The military spends more on gasoline moving troops around the country than we spend on welfare.

Comment Re:Don't worry (Score 1) 294

That's my thought. Without power the point of sale system can't work. No power no sales.

No power no gas pumps,no stores. Now servers crashing could limit transactions but the people who run those generally believe 5 9s of uptime isn't good enough.

Comment Re: Good point, but Uber is a bad example (Score 1) 432

Then why do companies and republicans fight tooth and nail to force companies to provide health care and 401ks.

Let the companies cut you an additional check for the services each year if they want to hep you pay for that stuff but other wise make both a single payer system.

But that won't happen because on average companies with more than 500 employees make profit on providing health care services. It isn't much but on average a company doesn't have to pay out any additional money beyond what the employee contributions for the entire company.

401ks are the same way. The actual cost to companies is far less than you would believe.

Comment Re:The Struggle (Score 2) 410

motorcycle riders who wear helmets are twice as likely to be injured in an accident as compared to those who don't wear helmets. Therefore wearing helmets on motorcycles is bad.

Of course the reality is those who don't wear helmets are just more likely to die in said accident.

Point of view is everything. Find a realistic one please.

Comment Re:WHAT radioactive materials? (Score 2) 242

what's the hurry? Space is big, it is so big your ego will get lost.

Right now our longest closed deployment is submarines. they go 4-6 months between restocking. Even at that point all the fresh food was gone months before hand.Just to get to mars with typical engines is a 4-6 month process, plus time to evaluate and study and the return flight.

The moon is only 3-4 days away that need to be reduced to a 12 hour flight. Then we can begin sending supplies for a colony to push farther afield.

We need really fast engines in space just to make travel time practical.

Comment How about fixing the send first? (Score 1) 95

Since January an increasing number of gmail users are losing sent emails. They show as sent on the sender's side but never show up at the destination server. They aren't blocked as spam, they aren't rejected just lost due sending timeouts. I have lost at least 6 emails since last week that I sent but I confirmed were never received. Worst it is usually blocked to other gmail users, or Google apps domain addresses. How can emails fail silently like that?

Comment So it is about money (Score 1) 371

So because China cut back imports and we have no one to sell it to the plants are struggling. It isn't that consumers aren't interested but that recycling companies who made their profits by selling raw materials can't sell those materials any more.

Stop blaming consumers when it is other companies and goverents at fault. Next recycling companies will want consumers to shred and sort everything ahead of time so they can save more money.

Comment Re:This will be fun... (Score 1) 59

Two simple points

This was a standard feature of the Space Shuttles. One of the prime selling points was satellite retrieval. Personally I wish they kept one shuttle operational to retreive the hubbell when it is time for it to be retired.

The X-37 has a cargo bay, and is operated in secret by the US military. It can already do that however it's orbit is easy to track.

So you are ignoring 40 years of things other people already knew.

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