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User Journal

Journal Journal: No really, I've never done this before!

Well, that was interesting. I just did something I've never done before...given notice at a "real job". An opportunity found me with more responsibility, better pay, and closer to home. So what's not to like?

Serious question though - this hiring process involved phone interviews, and that was it. No face-to-face interview, at all. Anyone else had that happen? It's odd; not complaining mind you, I just thought it was strange not to have some sort of personal one-on-one meet & greet. Is this common?

Followup 7 months later: Consider lack of in-person interview to be a warning sign. Trust me on this one. Details soon.
User Journal

Journal Journal: What I think SCO is really up to...

I don't think SCO's goal is to win a lawsuit, I think their goal is to cast FUD on the GPL specifically, and open-source in general.

Let's look at this logically. SCO isn't stupid, they know that they have no case. Therefore, winning isn't their goal. Even if they lose, the FUD that they've spread is going to stick, even if it's just a little bit. I can't even propose linux-based projects because my employer (a fortune-50 insurance company) doesn't want the hassle. The FUD is working already.

If they just go away, the FUD sticks. If they get bought out, the FUD sticks. If they get shot down legally in no uncertain terms, some of the FUD will _still_ stick. Their goal isn't to win money, their goal is to try to destroy or cripple the Open Source Software community.

When one's enemies' actions are illogical, it makes sense to re-evaluate what that enemy's goals might be.

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