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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 0 accepted (2 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - This Machine Kills Secrets by Andy Greenberg

sgt_doom writes: "Privacy on the Internet can be a life or death proposition: whether it was Yahoo's Jerry Yang outing a Chinese pro-democracy activist to the Chinese government, the secret police of Bahrain disappearing protesters, or the lengthy incarceration and sleep-deprivation torture of Bradley Manning, the outcomes can be enormous.

Greenberg has exhaustively researched the story — and the back story -- providing the reader with the ultimate bird's eye view of the unfolding story of WikiLeaks, Internet privacy and the corporate and governmental battles waged against them; this is one kick ass piece of work!

From cryptography and cipherpunks to the extreme efforts of hacktivists, Greenberg delivers mightily.

Highly recommended!"

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