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Comment Or it's a recipie for selective enforcement (Score 5, Insightful) 150

Whisteblowers have been sent to Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Penitentiaries under the odious Espionage Act at a higher rate under Obama than all previous presidents combined.

But Petraeus, who casually flashed Specially Compartmented Information - a much higher classification than any of the Top Secret information released by Manning to Wikilieaks - just to impress his mistress, will only face probation.

Or the cable operator who was sentenced to years in jail for carrying a Hezbollah tv channel, because it's on a State Department list of terror groups, while at the same time prominent politicians from both parties openly accepted large amounts of money from MEK to lobby on the group's behalf. A group also....on the State Departments list of terror groups.

So we could see the same thing in Australia. Defense contractors will be free to skirt the law and sell to any shifty customer. People who annoy the state, though, will feel the full force of the law.

Comment Re:Randian Dumbfuckery (Score 1) 318

Oh, that's right! The FUCKING GOVERNMENT prevented competition!

This is just more Randian Dumbfuckery. How do your guys maintain your willful ignorance of the 19th Century? Of railroad barons and Standard Oil? Business interests have existed independent of government for millennia, as has the natural market force of consolidation.

Which is first and foremost found in utilities. You could finally find that Libertarian Magic Dust and retroactively remove all functioning government from the United States for the last 100 years and Ma Bell still would have been a monopoly. Because the last mile costs make it prohibitively expensive for anyone but another monopoly to challenge a monopoly - until those two monopolies merge for greater profit. Which is exactly what the Baby Bells have done in reassembling the original AT&T.

Believing in Santa Clause as a grown-assed-man makes infinitely more sense than believing in Randian canards.

Comment Re:Only "political" for politicians. (Score 1) 318

Right, but most republicans are too damn stupid to realize that the republican candidates are the very ones trying to cut their social security benefits and allow Comcast to charge more for terrible internet access.

But it hasn't been Republicans slipping the SS cutting "chained cpi" into budgets for the the last several years - it's been Obama. Who's also talked up "means testing" and other cuts to Medicare. Who was also the only sitting politician from either party to attend the inauguration of the Pete Peterson Commission, who's sole purpose is to sell the public on accepting cuts to the SS and Medicare benefits they paid for.

Voters on both sides of the aisle are stuck with this two-faced Kubuki crap from party leaders. So far for 2016, it looks like voters will be stuck with Hillary Clinton, who will want more wars and benefit cuts, or Jeb Bush, who will push for more wars and benefit cuts.

Comment Re:May you choke on your own words (Score 1) 318

And you can see Leno driving one on Nova, as I did years ago. I figured as soon as I posed that there would be pedantry because somebody built a battery powered horsecart in 1859 that could go a couple miles an hour, even though interest in electrics mostly died out in the 1920's, according to your own link.

Very well. The first post-WWII electric car that went beyond prototype phase into commercial release.

Comment Re:I see it's not just Obamabots who revise histor (Score 1) 318

So it is odd to me to suggest that they should have supported Romneycare at the federal level for two major reasons.

Conservatives are the ones who proposed Romneycare at the federal level to start with, when it was it was the Heritage Foundation alternative to the Clinton plan in '92. It was pushed again by Dole in '96, before finally being signed into law by Romney at a state level in the aughts.

So there's an easy test here for political hackery: ask Republicans why they didn't vote for Clinton in '92 and '96, if Obomneycare is so horrible. And ask Democrats why they didn't all jump ship and support Romney in '08, if Obomneycare is so awesome. Both groups invariably respond with empty partisan butthurt.

Comment Re:I see it's not just Obamabots who revise histor (Score 1) 318

bush tax cuts expired, if he continued them, they are now his. Funny how that works

Sure they are. Obama owns them the same way he owns extensions to the Patriot Act, since they now bear his signature. Why would that be funny? Did you think I was an Obamabot after calling them out by name? I have contempt for blind partisan tribalists of all stripes.

Comment Re:How fucking tasteless (Score 1) 341

You wish. If Truman wanted to avoid civilian casualties, he would have considered Japan's face-saving attempt to surrender while keeping their Emperor. Instead, he nuked them into submission....and then Japan keep Hirohito anyway, who kept his title until his death in 1989.

But at least it's a change of imperialistic hackery for you, after spending years insisting that Sweden can't promise it wont hand Assange over to the U.S. for the "intelligence crime" of running WikiLeaks with one side of your mouth. Only to then insist that Sweden can't extradite for intelligence crimes with the other.

Comment Come again? (Score 1) 166

The nineties were an era of innocence. Where the FBI were the good guys and 2-3 smoking men were the bad guys. This doesn't fly anymore. In this day and age the whole FBI/NSA/CIA are composed of crooks. Criminals, torturers you name it.

Huh? In the X-Files, once you got to a certain level in TPTB, everyone was a corrupt murderous Orwellian shitbag, or under the thumb of a corrupt murderous Orwellian shitbag.

Nah, there's relevance to modern times, where candidates that run on promises of transparency and protecting whisteblowers (Obama) end up being the most secretive and punitive presidents of all time, respectively (again, Obama). When what passes for "the left" these days (Sanders, Warren) are active participants of America's Global War of Terror.

No relevance at all.

Comment Re:My condolences (Score 1) 209

There's really not much wrong with windows 8.

In the same way a flaming bag of crap goes well with your new dress shoes.

It's not as bad as people make it out to be

But of course it is. It's actively hostile to end users, and tries to herd them back into the Metro interface at every opportunity unless you install a hack like Classic Shell. For no reason other than to satisfy Microsoft's asinine obsession of pushing desktop users into a touch-based UI.

I'm sure that, back in the day, there were people saying that Windows ME and Microsoft Bob were great advancements in the field of computing. They were objectively wrong as well.

Comment Re:My condolences (Score 1) 209

Spot the guy who doesn't actually keep up with developments but has Dunning-Kruger'd himself into thinking he knows what he's talking about.

Spot the empty tautologies.

Besides much better support for newer devices and software

Case in point.

Win8x has a lot of performance improvements in such things as over-the-network copying

Except when it's slower because of malware scanning. The only thing "better" from the user's point of view is the accuracy of the time remaining guestimate. Molehill, not a mountain.

boot and reboot time

Reboots were quaint 10 years ago, outside of OS updates. And those are scheduled to run in the middle of the night.

You also get better multi-monitor support

Win7's multi-monitor support is just fine.

and the ability to use >2TB partitions and devices

Dynamic Disks have been supported since 2000 and GPT since 2003. You're only stuck with 2TB if you limit yourself to 512b cluster size.

You'd have to be an idiot to prefer W2K to a modern version of Windows.

Hardly. Vastly smaller hardware requirements and no activation crap. The only real improvement for the end user since then has been instant user switching, and that came with XP. Most everything else has been forced obsolescence. Well, there's also Bitlocker, but that came out with Vista.

Win8 is a flaming bag of crap. It is actively hostile to the end user. Win 7 is a no-holds-barred upgrade from 8, in the same way that XP was an upgrade over Vista.

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