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Comment Re:You dont want a car completely reliant on the e (Score 1) 865

yea i say late 80s and 90s was the best time for cars hell many are still on the road if they haven't rusted out. but now they throw so much crap in there cars its just more to go wrong and it does often. i wont even buy a new car with a auto trans all i see them do is fail sensor this sensor that. witch of course these days limits me to only a few model cars that still offer standard trans.

Comment Re:Blank Media (Score 1) 477

you don't know anything when you said sega. there first big fail was Saturn they managed to piss of both the devs and the retail stores before it was even launched an with a huge price tag for the time the system never left the shelves and when psx and n64 hit they had less then 10% of the market. the second fail was of course dreamcast but in this case it was not the price or even bad hardware in fact the dreamcast is frigging awesome but many devs didn't wanna come back to sega still felling the burn from Saturn and with the dvd player eqed ps2.coming out in a year sega did make a massive push with games and cheaper hardware but really the lack of a dvd player killed it the sails literately halted the day ps2 came out and stayed that way.

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