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Comment Re:Many worlds (Score 1) 202

See my post just prior to this one. It all hinges on the word "might" in my first post. I believe you improperly inferred that I was stating all alternatives *must* exist, as opposed to *might* exist. Yuck, I don't relish the thought of being in Nietsche's company. However, that's based on experiences with my peers when we were teenagers. They were just exasperating to talk to, and one of them actually went certifiably insane.

Comment Promises... (Score 1) 64

Scuttlebutt's there's a transparent roll-up display coming soon since, what? Around 2004? Maybe even a bit earlier. OLEDs were supposed to deliver them back in the day. And yet here we are 10 years later, still no transparent roll-up display. Doesn't seem like this should be as hard as a flying car, and yet they both share the same status. I'm sure this one will be different though...

Comment Re:Let me guess (Score 1) 138

I'm guessing. I stopped watching them last season. It really felt like they were just phoning it in, and have been since The Book of Mormon took off. At the same time, I think they (and I) probably had issues with Comedy Central's standards and practices. I'm guessing once it goes over to Hulu, the various characters will now be able to say "fuck." Knowing Matt and Trey, they're going to abuse the hell out of that in the first episode.

Comment Re:Many worlds (Score 1) 202

Let's cycle back to what I said in the first place:

That might not be too far from the one where I'm GWBM

Do you see the word might in there?

You and a lot of other people incorrectly read that as must, hence you are arguing against something I never said, namely that infinity necessitates all possibilities. I got caught up in it a bit myself, going off on how unconstrained infinity may include all possibilities until proven otherwise, which I maintain is true.

Fact is, this whole thread actually seems to be an inference problem. There was of course, no way I could have headeed it off at the pass, I must invoke my un-named "rule" at this point:

Inference is broken

Comment Re:Many worlds (Score 1) 202

You've still missed the point.

No I haven't. If we were discussing the set of prime numbers and I said "how about six" you could say, "No, because it's divisible by 2 and 3". The set of prime numbers is an infinite set with well known restrictions.

We're discussing alternative universes. If I say, "How about the one where I'm GWB?" You have nothing to say because this discussion started with the premise, and ONLY the premise that alternative universes are an infinite set. There were no other criteria specified. I submit that in the absence of such criteria not only may we speculate on all possibilities, we must.

Comment Re:Many worlds (Score 1) 202

OK, you've done a good job now of explaining what you mean; but my possibility is just as valid as yours. Maybe the multiverse has to include numbers beyond 1.0, and maybe it doesn't.

Maybe it's an infinite set full of bizarre possibilities, and maybe it's an infinite set full of subtle variations on our known theme. We just. Don't. Know.

Comment Re:Many worlds (Score 1) 202

Except in the one where you posted saying it wasn't, but were mistaken because it actually was. That might not be too far from the one where I'm GWB, a frequent Slashdot poster. It's interesting to ponder the concept of what "infinity" really means when you consider all the possibilities on some mundane thing like that.

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