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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 52 declined, 11 accepted (63 total, 17.46% accepted)

United States

Submission + - John Anderson calls for Instant Runoff 1

sconeu writes: In an op-ed piece in the Christian Science Monitor, former presidential candidate John Anderson calls for Instant Runoff Voting.

Who is Anderson? Most Slashdotters are too young to remember, but he was the maverick Republican candidate who went independent in 1980. He was considered a spoiler, in much the same manner as Perot in '92 and Nader in 2000 and '04.

Submission + - Astronaut Wally Schirra, Dead at 84

sconeu writes: Astronaut Wally Schirra, one of the Original Seven Mercury Astronauts, pilot of Sigma 7, commander of Gemini 6 and Apollo 7 died from a heart attack in La Jolla, CA at age 84.

Schirra was also a commentator for CBS on spaceflight coverage.

The only two of the Original Seven left are now John Glenn and Scott Carpenter.

Submission + - Dvorak on mobile phones

sconeu writes: "As we all know, John C. Dvorak is almost always wrong. Therefore we need to realize when he gets it right, such as this rant on mobile phones.

His call for the death of the mobile phone industry may be a little overblown, but I'm willing to chalk it up to hyperbole in this case <grin>, because I happen to agree</grin>."

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