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Comment Want a 100 mpg instead (Score 1) 287

100 mpg, low cost, low weight, and some low cost insurance scheme if I don't drive it much. don't really need anything else. A couple USB sockets maybe, just for power.
Equipment must include speedometer, passenger blind, a way to open windows, seats and belts. Well, if it does have windows.
It must be able to reach at least 70 km/h and have at least a few kilowatts of maximum power.

Comment Re: Not Interested (Score 1) 119

On off-the-shelf desktop motherboards, TPM modules plug in a special socket or more accurately, a set of pins. It's invariably empty if you buy the motherboard, as the motherboard vendor won't field that cost. And perhaps they don't want to do a job similar to that of a CA or credit card company etc. by managing the keys anyway. So I wonder if this is how/why we got where we are today, instead of the outcome having been decided by a battle between good and evil.

Comment Re:Just what I needed...? (Score 2) 119

I heard you can install linux on the TV instead : rolling release with systemd, KDE 5 and of course firefox. Another TV can work for the lifetime of a TV (remember when a TV lasted 20 years?). You can buy a TV that runs AIX or HP-UX, but it costs $200,000.
The z/OS TV is best, but requires expertise on your part and costs $1,000,000 + $20,000 a month fee (if you spend a bit more, you can activate the Channel Changing Processor, which is disabled in the low end configuration)

Comment No dumb TVs exist anymore (Score 1) 119

Not sure what "smart" exactly means, but on the tiniest TVs with bad sound and a bit of light leaking out of the LCD panel, you now have graphical menus, media player and USB port.
Seen one the other days, the owner was using it as speakers for his recent netbook (plugged to the sound RCA input meant for use along composite or VGA input) and the TV was switching off every 15 minutes, against his will.

Perhaps "smart" means internet access on top of that? Open the TV and disconnect wifi antennas. Ruin the USB ports if you will, but perhaps they aren't that bad. If you're paranoid use it with VGA, since HDMI can possibly carry ethernet etc.
And/or use that antiquated antenna connector, where digital HDTV is beamed in

Comment nvidia driver 304 (Score 1) 60

- kwin compositing is not usable on older nvidia hardware with the nvidia proprietary driver 304.x, even if the driver supports opengl 2.1

lol that poor older hardware on driver 304.x just suffers :
- on some recent new distros, you may need to boot with "nomodeset" or equivalent before fixing things up
- WebGL is very slow, freezing/unreliable
- you can't run the port of Counter Strike Source, a game from 2004, on a graphics card from 2006, even if the driver supports opengl 2.1

and to replace a 32 watt card with dual VGA support (not VGA + DVI only!) there aren't many options.

Comment Re:Rust made a mistake in going C++-syntax (Score 1) 149

But on simple examples I like that macros are identified with a bang, like this : println!
It's daunting that in a language you might encounter some name, but don't know if it's a real function, or a macro, or something that was overloaded.
As for the :: operator I simply don't know what the fuck it means. dunno if it's ugly or not, but means that I would have to learn what it means, and why it's not just a ".".

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 461

Two kinds of x-ray machine in fact, that small one next to the chair you refer to, and a stand-up one in a different, small room. The stand up machine seems to be networked in some way, in any way pictures are digitally archived indeed as well as whatever database fields say "this tooth sucks" etc.

I do go to a 900-year-old hospital (but it an section that looks 19th century, and quite refurbished), but don't worry about old school dentists. I get to have some wait there and have students working on me. Visits from supervising old farts are rather funny as they spot whatever the thing is within 5 seconds.

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